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Thursday, October 17, 2024

When Goals Remain As PIPE DREAMS

When Goals Remain As PIPE DREAMS

Everything in this world we live in have an EXPIRATION DATE.  Even the non-tangibles like relationships, WHICH, unless you nurture and nourish, it will EXPIRE [and die a natural death].  EXCEPT DREAMS.  Yes dude, your DREAM has NO EXPIRATION DATE.  You can dream about all those endless possibilities even with NO clear idea of WHAT the immediate future held for you.  BUT When Goals Remain As PIPE DREAMS???

Through the years, we always hear THAT we should have the courage to go for our DREAMS, THAT we should trust our own instincts, THAT we should follow our hearts, THAT we should be embracing even uncertainty, THAT we should be the first one to solidly believe in our own selves  WHAT happens next, yes we end up following 'to the letter' all these 'THAT' clauses but alas, NOTHING progresses, NOTHING results positively, NOTHING good arises from our honest DREAMS.  WHY?  And that's the thing.  More often, WHEN we try something new, venturing into roads less OR even untraveled, even when we dared to take the risk, it rarely works out as we envisioned.  Alas, WHEN unexpected challenges arise, WHEN things go 'WRONG', it is THAT tempting to tell ourselves THAT we've failed,  THAT we should instead stick to WHAT we know.  Then, that throws us back to the deepest corners of our comfort zone, whew!!!

So, should we just PLAY IT SAFE and leave out our DREAMS only to those WHO have WHAT it takes?  Nope.  Nope.  Nope.  DON'T succumb to such thoughts.  DON'T let those NEGATIVE thoughts and self-doubt bring you down.  Instead, endeavor to keep your FOCUS on your goal[s] and keep going in that right direction.  Meanwhile, ask yourself, WHAT have you learned from those debacles to date?  No, please DON'T react that it's too premature to ask those questions intended as post-mortem???

Let's take real-life scenarios.  WHEN one has been working in an organization and suddenly opts to be self-employed, that is a change akin to a 'tectonic plate' shifting.  And of course, to some degree, you would have anticipated that to be self-employed would be much harder than ever BUT the bigger question, are OR where you prepared for that psychological shift it would take?  Likely NO, right?  If through the years you worked for people and pretty much done WHAT you were told, indeed to be self-employed is a HUGE change

Our takeaway:  A big chunk of things in life will take shape only once you have CROSSED THE BRIDGE.  In retrospect, had you not left that 8 to 5 job and went self-employed, absolutely you would have NOT known that.  And you'd still be working, resenting every moment, wanting to jump BUT NOT daring to do it and always wondering "WHAT IF".  Before things get stalled, CONCRETIZE and PRIORITIZE your dreams, backed up with a TIMELINED CONCRETE PLAN no less❗❗❗

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