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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Don't Let Go Of The Rope

Don't Let Go Of The Rope

Sometimes, everyone of us would feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we then feel like just GIVING UP [when everything seems to be crumbling through our shoulders].  And we CAN'T blame ourselves WHEN  we feel like life is falling apart and we DON'T know WHAT to do.  BUT DON'T LET GO OF THE ROPEπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, WHAT can a person do WHO sees life falling apart right before his very eyes?  YES YES YES, I've been through that wringer many times in the past and I have figured out WHEN one comes across those rough times, it's like 'manna from heaven' to have that one person to be there.  And that person could make anybody better even on the worst day of their life.  BUT it's true that some people are NOT as lucky to have a person like this OR NOT yet at leastπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Truth is, some of the hardest things in life are the greatest things and are obtained by NEVER giving up.  If everything was so easy, then, trust me, everybody would be doing it.  Makes sense?  NO matter HOW rough things get, we can still push through and find a way to get past those rough times.  If everyone gave up WHEN things get rough, WHERE would our country and our world be today?  WOULD our soldiers just give up WHEN they have to walk a couple of miles in the heat to help rescue hostages caught in the midst of the crossfires?  WOULD it even be very much fun to watch professional sports if a player gets a little bit ahead of the other so that they would GIVE UP on chasing them down and letting them score instead?  WHAT happens when a single parent is having trouble raise their teenage son and they are in trouble all the time?  Does that parent just GIVE UP on them and blurt DO WHAT YOU WANTπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

This is WHERE I will vociferously intervene and scream categorically that we just CAN'T GIVE UP on anything.  WHETHER it be friends even WHEN they are going through rough times.  OR even dreams and all the hopes and future goals we have for ourselves.  The very core of all core things here is to remember are all the hopes and future goals we have pre-set for ourselves.  And that NO matter HOW hard things get, just DON'T GIVE UP on life because here's a blanket guarantee you can quote from me:  WHEN YOU'RE DOWN, THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO GO BUT UP✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  This is my first-person testimonial.  Many times in the past, I went through NOT just the pain but the scary feeling that I had NO choice but to LET GO OF THE ROPE.  BUT I was my own 'worst enemy' because each time I was kind of fallen on the ground, I would ask myself, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO LET GO OF THE ROPE?  After all my efforts and sacrifices [and the precious resource called 'TIME'], will everything just go for naught solely because I am [FINALLY] GIVING UP?  Of course, I was always my own devil's advocate blurting out 'NO WAY, JOSE'. I WON'T LET GO OF THE ROPE, NOT now when I have invested so much of myself❗❗❗

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