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Saturday, October 19, 2024



Are You A SQUARE PEG In A ROUND HOLE?  Hmmm, in the past, I'll admit I did manifest that at one point.  How often you hear a daughter asking her mom to switch schools for reasons only the daughter can fathom.  BTW, this is a no-no in Singapore where a family's domicile is pegged to the school nearest located to them.  BUT elsewhere, surely we would often hear begging and egging their parents that they switch schools.  NOT until a practical mom stomps her foot down and blurts out "YOU NEED TO LEARN TO GROW WHERE YOU LIVE".  On the same breadth, if we're A SQUARE PEG In A ROUND HOLE, then we got to listen to this practical mom's sage advice๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Looking back, how many times a day do you wish for your life to be different?  Perhaps you wish you lived in a different place OR had a different job.  Maybe you think that if the right person came along, your life would feel complete.  Really?  Maybe you're bordering into FOMO, that fear of missing out? And, probably you're always thinking that you should be somewhere other than WHERE you are.  We've all done it.  And I admit that's exhausting๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Just like veggies, they grow WHERE they can grow.  Now, try dreaming further up.  BUT let's admit that at times, it is damn difficult to resist dreaming along that path.  Yes sometimes you will tend to resist BUT eventually you will succumb to daydreaming of faraway places.  That one day, you'll get out of this place.  WHAT could be the end result?  FRUSTRATION.  And because we all DON'T like that feeling of being stuck, we might end up with feelings of 'screw this'๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

Yes, surely, at least at one point in your life, you hate WHAT you are, WHERE you are, WHAT you do, WITH whom you're with, UNTIL one day you will end up to absolutely love everything.  WHY?  It's because you made that conscious choice TO BLOOM WHERE YOU'RE PLANTED.  it could be a job, a relationship, home OR anything that you're wishing away BUT WHAT IF you set the intention to stop resisting it and begin to make the absolute best with WHERE you are right now✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  INSTEAD of neglecting your home because you DON'T like it, create a room that you would love.  INSTEAD of hating your culture, seek out culture and arts in your community.  INSTEAD of hating your work now, explore creative ways to make your job MORE fulfilling, MORE enjoyable.  INSTEAD of hating your hobbies now, find that hobby you will enjoy. There's more to life than just work and paying bills.  WHEN you fill your life with simple pleasures and pursuits, you will bloom.  Let me cap this off my simple pleasures.  Four months ago, I discovered daily hour-long morning walks.  Today, I just DON'T feel better.  I am gradually reaping the 'fruits of labor' as early as now, details I'll share in subsequent threads๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

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