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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Who Says They Know You So Well???

Who Says They Know You So Well???

Who Says They Know You So Well???  Really? I'm sorry, please tell that to the marines because we should know ourselves better than anyone else, regardless if you''re referring to your bestie/bff's, partner/spouse, workmate.  Strange, ISN'T it?  You know yourself than anyone else, YET you crumble at the words of someone WHO hasn't even lived a second of your life.  Dude, focus on your own voice.  It's the only one that matters.  All other voices, including those from your bestie/bff, partner/spouse, they are still that important BUT there's at least a mile-long of a gap between WHAT you know about yourself versus WHAT they know about youπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Indeed, true words BUT how many people out there actually fall for WHAT others say.  I know I have.  In fact, only you yourself knows the truth about yourself.  So, the mind-boggling question is, WHY is it that we listen to WHAT others say about us?  WHY is it that we believe WHAT others say about us?  We know ourselves BUT still we fall for it.  WHY?  WHEN we know ourselves like the palm of our hands!!!
WHEN you find yourself believing other words, it's hard to pull yourself out and listen to your own voice again.  Just NEVER give up on yourself.  NEVER stop believing in yourself.  People will say things about you because they AREN'T happy with themselves so they will tend to drag you down.  Everyday WHEN you get up and look in the mirror, always tell yourself POSITIVE things and it will carry you throughout the day.  WHEN you find yourself feeling down about yourself, blurt out all the POSITIVE things about yourself.  Psychologists claim that any POSITIVITY you will create will lead to making you think better, feel better and researches show that it will carry you throughout the day.  WHEN you find yourself feeling down about yourself, say those POSITIVE things and DON'T be stingy with words to express your innermost partπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
BUT, dude, DON'T stop there.  Spread those POSITIVE comments to other people in that way they can feel better about themselves as well.  Let us NOT crumble at the NEGATIVITY BUT instead stand in the POSITIVITIES in life.  We got to remember that in our journey towards achieving our goals and dreams, there will be instances WHERE we'll be discouraged OR we may even end up getting lost along the way.  And in that journey, you might even see content OR hear from other people WHAT you might do.  And hey, there's NO problem listening to all those voices as long as they make sense, right???
Our takeaway:  Regardless of all these good intentions we have, NOT all of these things will work AS IS.  There will be things OR approaches that will work OR NOT work at all.  Then, this is cut for you, for you to take up that challenge.  As you know yourself better than anyone, we got to constantly remember that anything and everything you do is for you and much as there are well-meaning people around you, TRUST yourself and your instincts more than anyone else❗❗❗

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