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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Focus On What's Important

Focus On What's Important

Consistently, almost all researches have shown that typically, many of us tend to prioritize tasks that have the shortest deadlines even if those tasks are NOT the most important OR valuable.  What this tells us is that we got to Focus On What's Important.  BUT I get you, this is easier said than done.  BTW, have you heard this one-liner:  THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO REMEMBER THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.  Sounds redundant BUT makes sense, right???

YES, this poster looks annoying and sheer crap BUT relook incisively, this is NO nonsense if we can drill down into it.  This redundant question is impliedly asking us 'WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO YOU?"  Whether it's in your life as a whole OR during an interaction OR right this very moment as we speak.   Yes dude, keep your answer to yourself because the truth is, the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS often get pushed to the sidelines😖😖😖

Let's face it, life itself is full of distracting clamor, from text/SMS messages to online PM's in that long list of chat apps, and even emails which would alert you to even window displays in the mall.  Other people tug at you with their PRIORITIES [which may NOT be your own].  And it can feel kind of scary to admit WHAT really matters to you, tell others, and go after it for real.  BUT WHAT do we hear in the background?  WHAT IF YOU FAIL???

So, WHAT'S the practice espoused by experts?  The gurus tell us to KNOW OUR PURPOSE IN LIFE.  And as an exercise, write it down either in one word, phrase OR sentence.  Be concise and honest enough with your answer.  And within yourself, say it LOUD and see HOW it feels.  Take that extra step to find the words which you can connect with.  And keep your PURPOSE as close to your heart as possible [because for all we know, you might get scared if you speak it out.  Close to the heels, CLARIFY YOUR PRIORITIES.  Identify the key aims of your life these days in a word OR phrase, e.g. HEALTH, CAREER, etc.  Maybe break up one aim into two OR three, e.g. finances could be 'breaking even' OR saving for retirement etc✅✅✅

Now, let's follow WHAT the gurus do instruct us.  Rank those aims in order of importance with NO ties allowed.  If you could attain only one AIM, WHAT would it be?  That becomes your highest priority.  Then, take that one off the list, look at the aims that are left and ask yourself:  IF I COULD ATTAIN ONLY ONE OF THE REMAINING AIMS, WHICH ONE WOULD IT BE?  Then, repeat the process.  And do remember your PURPOSE IN LIFE.  Thing is, FOCUS ON WHAT'S IMPORTANT❗❗❗

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