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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

How Worrying Impacts Us?

How Worrying Impacts Us?

HOW come some people NEVER seem to worry? They tend to sleep soundly at night [even if they have a job interview come next day OR they need to catch a flight next day].  They DON'T leave parties recounting every conversation in their mind [even if they said something regrettable].  WHEN they receive a meeting request from their boss, they DON'T assume that he will receive a tonque-lashing OR worse, he'll be fired.  BUT many other people are chronic worriers.  BUT before I get bashed left and right, let's agree that WORRYING per se ISN'T innately wrong, bad OR even NEGATIVE.  It's pretty normal to worry about the final exams in school come next day [because they should motivate you to prepare and study harder.  So, how does Worrying Impact Us???

Factually, if worrying is consuming your daily life OR getting in the way of your happiness, it is quite likely that you are WORRYING excessively.  WHAT we need to distinguish, at this point, is the difference between typical WORRYING versus excessive WORRYING, and obviously, HOW to keep that WORRYING 'in check and NOT to spiral and end up as way beyond your control.  And while everyone agrees that WORRYING is specific to humans, that part of our brain's system called 'LIMBIC' is where most of our emotional processing happens, and that includes WORRYING, whether it's a one-off or chronic❎❎❎

Ironically, to quote medical specialists, constant WORRYING is ot a diagnosable mental health condition.  In brief, there is NO such thing as a 'WORRYING DISORDER'.  And according to experts, the closest mental health condition is generalized anxiety disorder.  And to be precise, psychologists claim that anxiety itself is feelings of WORRYING and unease.  Enough of medical stuff though.  So, WHY do we WORRY so much?  WHY is it some people never seem to WORRY while others seem consumed by it???

YES, this poster is 'spot on', i.e. WORRYING WILL NEVER CHANGE THE OUTCOME.  BUT what's the naked truth about all these?  It's that we can influence OR even change the outcome.  So, WHY do some still WORRY excessively?  Doctors explain it briefly in two words, THAT it is due to NATURE and NURTURE.  Besides that biological component [which experts claim at 30%], the other roughly 70% may be related to one's life experiences although doctors caution us with the variance between peopleπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway:  WORRYING is deceptive and deceiving.  That explains that even our very own selves would sometimes be unaware that we're caught up already with WORRYING WHEN in truth, it will manifest in multifarious ways like having trouble sleeping, waking up and [STILL] feeling stressed, headaches, [THAT] racing heartbeat, feeling panicked, unable to difficulty to enjoy hobbies OR even relationships, inability to focus, OR being that 'short-tempered'.  So, WHAT should we do given all these possible manifestations?  Let's MOVE ON.  WHEN WHAT we're WORRIED about is out of your control,  counsellors advise us to consider 'REGULAR SELF-CARE' for combatting that chronic WORRYING.  Examples of SELF-CARE are regular exercise, eating nourishing food and spending time doing activities.  We just got to 'CUT and CUT CLEAN' how WORRYING impacts usπŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

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