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Friday, October 18, 2024

Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Will Tell You HOW HIGH You Can Go

Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Will Tell You HOW HIGH You Can Go

Nothing debatable here.  We all go through our LOW POINTS in life.  Yes, they feel like 'shit' [pardon the harsh word].  BUT hey dude, they are a BIG need in our life [ironically].  WHY?  Because they give us the realization that 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH'.  THAT it's now the time to reach the highest point in life.  BUT HOW?  No such thing like that 'BIG BANG' theory [which remains such a theory till today].  Hitting ROCK BOTTOM Will Tell You HOW HIGH You Can Go๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
To borrow a favorite expression by Malaysians and Singaporeans, 'SO HOW?"  First off, your trajectory has to change and if it will entail you to do a 90-degree turnaround, JUST DO ITHOW in the first place can you go up to the north if you're south-bound?  Once you do realize and take action on that critical turn, then that 'journey towards excellence and greatness' kickstarts๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

At that point, can you anticipate if your energy levels would be so down and drained to render you immobile?  OR with inertia trigger your own ignition, all because of the frustration coming from that LOWEST POINT you hit!  I came across an old literary piece comparing humans to steel, such that we would sometimes here someone tagged as a MAN of STEEL BUT today, let's admit it [although it hurts] that we humans are [generally] unimaginably SOFT + WEAK.  To make things worse, we tend to be so vulnerable even to the slightest whiff of air that changes course which, if at all, only causes our strands of hair to get ruffled.  BUT alas, anything less than perfect is deemed imperfect and a near-crisis!@#$%?

It's like a little bit of crisis suddenly popping up in our life.  Then, WHAT happens next?  People begin to have those incessant PANIC attacks.  Top heavy infusion of stress creeps in fast, faster than the flash floods in the Australian outbacks.  WHAT comes next after stress?  Confusion.  Anxiety.  Then, we need to be uncomfortable now.  We got to do and get immerse with some real hard things, WHATEVER it takes❗❗❗

Our takeaway:  At that point, NOTHING gets easy.  BUT good for us because that eventually builds our immunity to survive at our lowest points.  And we CAN'T be less prepared in life.  And once you hit ROCK BOTTOM, that LOWEST POINT, one thing gets super crystal clear.  There is nothing to lose anymore.  That is your LOWEST.  That's it.  So, WHAT's your next move?  Will you do the same things [AGAIN???]  Will you still hang out with those same sore losers?  Will you be at your lowest point FOREVER?  Dude, HITTING ROCK BOTTOM WILL TELL YOU HOW HIGH YOU CAN GO, promise๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

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