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Friday, October 11, 2024

Let's STOP Building Walls. We Need BRIDGES!

Let's STOP Building Walls.  We Need BRIDGES!

Building trust is of absolute importance in all relationships.  More than that, it is a pillar of of a persons SUCCESS, whether it be in his personal family life, business life OR work life.  The catch here is that TRUST and CONFIDENCE are NOT traits that you have BUT traits that are built, maintained, nurtured, and even protected.  And this is something many leaders have recognized.  NOT to turn this as a piece about religion BUT to quote Pope Francis, Build BRIDES and TEAR DOWN WALLSπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
And WHILE he expressed it in a religious context, to put it into practice, he suggested writing the names of 20 people you interact with frequently.  Then, with a simple chart, write down how many times you have had positive interactions with.  Then keep that table updated and it will indicate precisely WHEN you are building bridges to TRUST and in case you have forgotten someone.  Then, do the same for people WHO do NOT work in your company BUT who you should keep in touch withπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

The thing is, we DON'T and CAN'T live alone, even for those WHO want to be forlorn and desolate by themselves.  On a first person account, I know people WHO had everything in life, coming from affluent families, well-bred [and consistently graduated with honors since our school days until university days in our country's #1 top school and he can claim UNPARALLELED SUCCESS in every field and foray he went into.  From being a licensed doctor, a successful painter recognized internationally, an arts advocate WHO championed the 'lost arts' of his country and his furniture-export company was launched NOT just for profit but to wet his appetite for the arts.  Thing is, he wanted to live alone.  Sadly, he succumbed to the Big C after he [ironically] refused pharmacology, for which he was a deemed expert [alongside his family of doctors who own and run their own hospital and medical school]πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Fact is, we just CAN'T be alone.  We always need others and we must continually demonstrate that we cooperate honestly with colleagues, even those WHO are NOT always pleasant to interact with.  Please allow me to confess that one criterion I use to assess WHETHER my day was positive OR not is based on this: Have I helped to keep a relationship of TRUST alive.  Have I been generous with my time to help others [BTW, generosity is NOT always financials].  Have I invested my 'TRUST CAPITAL', eroded it, kept it at the same level???

Our takeaway:  Everyday let's ask ourselves, DID I ADD AT LEAST ONE BRICK TO THE BRIDGE?  We have to realize that bridged [IN LIFE] are NOT built overnight.  Instead, they are built over time and gradually BUT they can last forever and they open new roads and possibilities in life.  Let us remember that most opportunities in life are tossed upon us based on the knowledge and confidence that we have built, NOT on how elegantly we have written our own curriculum vitae a.k.a. resume.  Last thing, our reputation will always precede us.  In fact, our reputation is the only thing we have in life. Yes dude, LET'S STOP BUILDING WALLS.  WE NEED BRIDGES πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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