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Friday, October 18, 2024



Let's take a reality check.  Sometimes, Taking A STEP BACK can be hard.  BUT more often than NOT, there are pressing reasons to take BREAKS when you need to, to stop yourself from reaching BURNOUT.  And it should be fine to discuss the reasons WHY you're TAKING A STEP BACK.  Thing is, you DON'T even need to pretend to make other people feel more comfortable.  It should be OK to talk openly about your mental health.  Unfortunately, until this year 2024, there is still so much stigma around mental health issues [and maybe there will be some people WHO DON'T understand it all.  Really, it makes sense to to take space to focus on WHAT is and ISN'T making you happy.  WHETHER things in your life are right for you. Be it coming off of social media to protect your mental health, taking some sick pay from work, taking some space from the people WHO are making you feel pressured, it's A STEP FORWARDπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

Regardless of your situation now, there is absolutely NOTHING to feel guilty for, when TAKING A STEP BACK.  In fact, you SHOULDNT feel guilty OR ashamed of taking time off to focus on your health if you had a broken leg.  Oh Oh, my apologies, I hate that analogy BUT it is true and one of the best ways to open your eyes and realize just HOW you need to UNPRIORITIZE something in order to PRIORITIZE another thing, it makes such action as valid enough.  For anyone WHO needs to take a STEP BACK at the moment BUT doesn't know how, it all starts by writing a note to those you need to STEP BACK FROM.  WHETHER that's your boss, OR your family member OR your partner/spouse, sometimes things can be best said WHEN written down [verbals can create gaps and disconnects, instead of imparting the correct messaging]πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’

BUT before the communications piece gets waylaid, focus on the MAIN REASONS WHY you need to STEP BACK, to TAKE A BREAK.  And make sure the BREAK you're talking is indeed reflective of WHAT you're looking to achieve.  Ask yourself, are you looking to rest?  Then, you better be sure that you will rest.  Are you looking to keep your circle small enough?  Then do communicate with the people in your life to explain your reasons [ghosting hurts!!!]πŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

More importantly, DON'T unnecessarily add pressure onto yourself.  If you're finding something as either too scary OR simply overwhelming at that moment, maybe leave it at that.  BUT if you're NOT ready to talk about it, then that's OK because it's OK to just say you need to STEP BACK to protect your mental health.  Hey, you DON'T even need to justify it yourself.  Instead, LOOK AFTER YOU.  You are the most important person in this scenario and it is absolutely fine to focus solely on yourself.  WHAT we need to vividly remember is that you are important, valid and worthy and more than that, you deserve that kind of space to heal, to recuperate, to rejuvenate, OR to even soul-searchπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway:  TAKING A STEP BACK means withdrawing from something for you to gain some level of CLARITY and understanding of that bigger picture.  And WHEN you take that time to STEP BACK, it allows you to move forward in the right direction.  In effect, STEPPING BACK is your strategic move to STEP FORWARD [at a later point, and it's NOT waving the 'white flag' at all].  At the end of the day, it's ONLY YOU who can make the judgment call that is best for youπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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