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Thursday, January 5, 2023

Where The Rubber Meets The Road

Where The Rubber Meets The Road

One facet in life where we're NOT forewarned at all is that at some point in our life [and in fact, from time to time], it is Where The Rubber Meets The Road.  Meaning, everything we learned either from school or from theories or even in life, they will be tested in real-life scenarios.

And this is very much akin to tires/tyres.  You can choose to buy the premium Goodyear or Michelin products but the very acid test will be Where The Rubber Meets The Road.  Once you hit the road, most [if not all] of its functions will be tested to the hilt and what better way to test it as when you finally hit the road, especially once you go full throttle.  By then you can attest if the tires/tyres are that good enough in their traction at various points

Unfortunately, many of us [including myself many times in the past], we end up getting stuck up with IDEAS & IDEAS that end up overflowing and eventually overwhelming us, ourselves.  IDEAS a.k.a. theories that remain as such are akin to NOTHING AT ALL.  You got to crystallize your IDEAS into concrete action words and translate such words into concrete action.
To be fair, many of us whose ideas get stalled are NOT lazy and NOT laidback.  On the other hand, they are the vociferous pack who really KNOW WHAT THEY WANT.  Hence, they figure out the best possible ideas that will lead to the best possible outcomes and result.  In the end, they refine and tweak their IDEAS, perfecting it towards perfection
DON'T get me wrong.  DREAMS are the way to go because they are our very guiding light.   They are akin to that lighthouse standing out there in the sea of darkness but ready to guide you ONLY if you use to the hilt such guiding light.  At the end of the day, remember that eventually, THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD, like it or not❗❗❗

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