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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

That Jolt In Life

That Jolt In Life

Who needs That Jolt In Life?  Many of us will likely shrug their shoulders and just shun off that need for That Jolt In Life.  In real life, however, That Jolt In Life is not even a choice.  Many times in life, that jolt just kicks in and indeed That Jolt In Life happens, not as our choice at all.  So, how does That Jolt In Life happen❓❓❓

BTW, That Jolt In Life comes in different shapes and forms.  It could be as simple as our grocery experience at the supermarket.  WHEN inflation goes up and local prices just shoot up, That is a Jolt In Life.  WHEN Covid pandemic hit is, That was Jolt In Life,  WHEN you've been in the job market for quite sometime and still waiting for that job offer you're angling, That is another Jolt In Life.  WHEN you continue to struggle in your day-to-day life [despite all the hard work you're putting up], That is another Jolt In Life.  God forbid, when you've been medically ill, off and on, That is another Jolt In LifeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
When you get Jolted with all the challenges in life, what else is the best way to admit that getting Jolted In Life is [not our choice though] our very WAKEUP CALL to rectify things before it goes from bad to worse.  The mother of all blunders in life [which I have witnessed on a first-person account] is that some really DON'T get jolted despite the severity of their current situation⏳⏳⏳
It is both lamentable and pitiful if despite that 'WAKEUP CALL' now confronting us, we tend to be in a STATE of DENIAL.  Instead, we shrug it off as just a hiccup that will die its natural death the next day.  But hey dude, there are very few problems that do die a natural death.  And if there are such that dissipate in thin air, it could be something as petty as a foul odor.  BUT that's not a problem in the first place.  Worse, some of us tend to cloak a problem so that, superficially, he can't get impacted but again, that's hardly scratching the surface because definitely, it will haunt you back, trust me
Pun not intended, ironically, that JOLT IN LIFE could be as simple as egging you to catch ['minimumly'] sufficient  sleep because you're losing sleep as a result of the triggers in life that are jolting you but you refuse to be JOLTED.  Dude, get both of your feet back firmly in the ground pleaseπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

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