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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Are You Just A Spoke Of The Wheel ?

Are You Just A Spoke Of The Wheel ?

Are You Just A Spoke Of The Wheel ?  Not to be blunt but if you are [right now], please consider upgrading your situation [from being a mere spoke of the wheel] to become the very driver steering that bike or vehicle.  Unfortunately, anything less than that is unacceptable because we really DON'T want to see you end up just as another spoke of the wheel⏳⏳⏳
But there's another cliche which keeps egging us to JOIN THE BANDWAGON.  WHY?  Because primarily, almost everyone is getting onboard that BANDWAGON.  And secondly, when doing one thing is what's predominantly happening, many of us get that misplaced expectation that hopping on that bandwagon will push one foot of ours inside, giving us that INSIDE TRACK of things.  But hey, things just DON'T work out that way.  DON'T even ever go to that bus stop, everπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
If at all, joining that BANDWAGON is a fallacy inside out. What guarantees you that if you upgrade yourself from being a mere spoke of the wheel over to be part of the BANDWAGON, I've seen enough real-life stories that just skidded down south when the driver behind the steering wheel thought that was the best move.
Indeed what's happening these days is what we really see.  People hopping on, joining the bandwagon.  Once they see human bodies crowding in, many people prematurely conclude that going through that human wave will push at least one of their feet right inside, giving them a cinch.  Similarly to be existing just like a spoke of the week, joining the BANDWAGON does not give one even a china man's chance at allπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
 Unfortunately in life, unlike when you hear the BOARDING CALL at the airport, it means that the flight is a GO, in life, it just does NOT shape up that way.  Wanna join the fray?  Till you get frayed?  Burned once, you can get burned twice if you would think that being a spoke of the wheel will bring you farther enough.  Not in life though.  Every CONFIRMED SEAT is up for grabs but you got to earn it the hard way [quite often]❗❗❗

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