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Thursday, January 12, 2023



How often do you end up When You Feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH whether on a task you just performed or something you had to undertake?  I did toss up this question before and some blurted that never in their life they ever felt NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  And my curt reaction was 'REALLY'?  So, I said if that's the case, one could be someone 'near perfect' to the extent he/she hardly caused any miscues along the wayπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Let's get to the possible root causes as to why sometimes You Feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  Do you have those 'CORE BELIEFS' running the show?  Just like a pre-schooler who's always with the parent going to and from school but when one day the parent is a 'NO SHOW', the pre-schooler feels somehow abandoned?  OR when your 'INNER VOICE' is quite critical and to some extent, judgmental?  As they say, MINDFULNESS is a wonderful technique for showing god enough to hear your thoughts clearly.  It is about listening and letting go to thoughts without judgmentπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

OR when you had demandingor aloof parents that left you feeling NOT GOOD ENOUGH?  You may have had a 'good childhood' living in a nice house and you ended up NEVER WANTING ANYTHING. But if your parents always wanted you to be better than what you are, asking you to be SMARTER, quieter or sportier, or if they favored another sibling⏳⏳⏳
Whatever the real score is, the message is that you were not GOOD ENOUGH.  Too bad because as children, we naturally seek approval and love.  Unknowingly, we learn to SUFFOCATE our real personality and become that 'good child' at the price of turning into an adult who never feels a sense of worth.  Or in some unfortunate cases, the parents were just unable to provide the child that environment good enough for you as a childπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Or probably, as a kid, you didn't get that enough 'attachment'?  Which is a harsh reality these days when a working couple only has a caregiver to take care of the kids when they're at work [which is understandable] but note that that 'unconditional love' of a parent will be surely missing in the equation?  Bottom line is for us to have the awareness so that we can overcome things WHEN YOU FEEL NOT GOOD ENOUGHπŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—

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