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Saturday, January 28, 2023

How To Get Back On Track

How To Get Back On Track

Falling and Failing is NEVER  'un-normal'.  I myself I have fallen down and failed several times in my life, some of which were HARD FALLS a weaker soul would not have survived.  Even failing recurred in me many times in my life.  Alas, as the old clicke goes, "I'M STILL ALIVE AND KICKING".  So let's discuss How To Get Back On TrackπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Thing is, NEVER take NO or NON or NEIN as a show-stopper.  NO is NOT an option at all.  It really doesn't matter if you faltered or failed.  And while it's common for us to assume that habits are ALL-or-NOTHING [which means you either work out everyday OR you're sedentary for the rest of your life], a crooked thinking like this cam be dangerous and prevent us from moving on.

Some got misguided, in fact, by purposely missing out one opportunity, [wrongly] thinking for example by NOT working out for a day WON'T affect habit formation.  Studies have proven that wrong,  Instead, studies tell us that we should endeavor working towards avoiding the second missed opportunity. Avoiding a 'second mistake' is really key for us NOT to fall in the same trap again

The key here is that we should NEVER skip a habit twice.  Consistency is more important than perfection, in fact.  Just DON'T lose time or energy mulling over the missed opportunity.  Instead, focus your mind on getting back on track.  STARTING EASY is another simple proven trick as confirmed in studies.  If for example your goal is to implement a new workout regime into your routine, you should aim for a behavior that has the least friction. 
A very common mistake we do is trying to do a 'CATCH UP'.  Example, if you skipped to work out for a day, the next day, you might work out for a period twice as long as you normally would.  CAREFUL!  That could backfire as you're adding MORE FRICTION to a behavior that is NOT yet a habit.  So, KEEP IT SIMPLE and START SMALL as that should ease up things for you to GET BACK ON TRACK with much lesser odds❗❗❗

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