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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Satisfaction Waxes and Wanes

Satisfaction Waxes and Wanes

Not to spoil your New Year but here's a gentle reminder before 2023 goes in full throttle.  As our Satisfaction Waxes and Wanes, we might end up moving goal posts from time to time this year.
DON'T look farther than the fries you tend to crave [whether it's from Burger King or from the Australia Franchisee, that's Hungry Jack's].  Regardless, when one craves for that tempting french fries, you would look for its FRESHNESS.  When it's FRESH, you'll look for its SALTINESS.  Then its CRISPYNESS.  That vicious cycle will go on unabated because that's where we humans are caught up in life. With nothing or with barely anything, we'll aim for the most basic things in life, till our satisfaction WAXES before it WANES๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“—
In life, this all boils down to the loggerheads between REALISM and IDEALISM.  Besides our insatiable desires, we humans tend to be so driven with IDEALISM, not realizing that we can live with something that is less than IDEAL.  Years back when I was in my consulting work based in Mumbai, I had to vociferously convince my client CIO that that IDEAL solution will take light years to come into fruition.  He then caved in๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น
Not to shoot down your motivation level, I've seen people who seemed to be knocked off because they kept waiting for their IDEAL solution to shape up.  Till they just got knocked off by stubbornly waiting with stretched patience.  Unfortunately, while in the past I kept harping that indeed patience and persistence do pay off, that doesn't run true for MISPLACED patience and MISGUIDED persistence.  You just DON'T remain patient for the heck of it.  Neither do you persist if you are at loggerheads with either an immovable force or object.  Way to go is find a workaround, circumvent, go around that road blocker no less๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น
Don't look farther than the flock of birds perched along those wires up there.  Studies have shown that even amongst birds, SATISFACTION WAXES and WANES.  And akin to humans, 99% of them end up with the same fate, except for that 1%.  And that's exactly what's happening whether it is in EU, in the Americas or even in Asia.  Studies all point to that 1% success rates to achieve goals because the remaining 99% get stalled๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž 

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