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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Look Before You Leap

Look Before You Leap

C'mon, I'll hear someone blurt once we start spending time about this piece "Look Before You Leap", that this is a no-brainer because everyone does LOOK BEFORE THEY LEAP.  However, I beg to defer sirrrrrrrrs because that is simply NOT TRUE.   From time to time, some of us [including myself a few times in the past] do LEAP WITHOUT LOOKING.  Let me rattle off such [recurring] cases which are happening more frequently than we ever thoughtπŸ“•πŸ“˜πŸ“—
Factually, here are the circumstances when we tend NOT to LOOK BEFORE WE LEAP.  WHEN we have all the wrong assumptions.  WHEN we have the wrong facts.  WHEN our confidence went beyond the roof.  WHEN our cockiness got the better of us.  WHEN our sense of rationality and logic just fell in between cracks.  WHEN we decided to take an action beyond reason.  WHEN we totally trusted the words of assurance from another party to just follow his advice to the letter [and NOTHING WILL GO WRONG].  All these would caused you to fall down in that deep cliff.  No excuses though for such a deep fallπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
To be precise, LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP does NOT mean that you first THINK then JUMP.  No sirrrrs.  Instead, we must think of the consequences and then act.  Humans at times without thinking take hasty decisions that are ill-advised.  And, they end up with disastrous results.  As they say, before you plunge into the river, you must know how to swim.  And more importantly, one must know the depth and current of the waterπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
We should have come across so many thoughts about all these.  But briefly, thinking deeply about every step in one's life will help us avoid unnecessary problems. When one acts without thinking hard about their actions, several problems can haunt you [and worst, till death].  As life is a bottomless pit that comes with NO SECOND CHANCES, never miss out on that old cliche 'HASTE MAKES WASTE'.  Rushing into anything without thoroughly planning is simply a sheer waste of of one's time and energy.  
Other culprits that cause us to take that leap WITHOUT LOOKING AROUND.  Sometimes our excuse is that we're simply running out of time.  Whew, that's baloney.  If TIME is the culprit, MAKE TIME, period.   Sometimes, we tend to buckle down from pressure.  And that pressure can come from all quarters.  And worst of the worst, that pressure may come from within us as we end up pressuring ourselves.  Folks, LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP❗❗❗

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