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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Choose Your Battles

Choose Your Battles

Who says we should always be 'battle ready' in life?  No sirrrrrrs.  On the contrary, we should not be bracing for battles at all.  True we got to be ready if something inimical to us arises but that should be far and few in between.  In fact, if you had the room to wiggle, embrace this age-old mantra:  Choose Your Battles.  Otherwise, DON'T court conflicts.  Shy away from potential 'powder kegs' that may just blow out to your detriment💡💡💡

Knowing which battles to fight [and maybe leaving it for another day [which you hope WON'T come]] is important enough to be successful in life itself.  If you find yourself fighting one too many battles, and worse on too many fronts, you may end up feeling drained of either a combination of mental, emotional and/or physical energy.  Worse, both your performance either at your business or at work and coupled with your relationships with your partner/spouse and/or loved ones may inevitably suffer as a result⏳⏳⏳

 Hard to Choose Your Battles but it's NO rocket science though.  Thinking that you have to fight a battle that actually belongs to someone else is a very mistake to make.  Sometimes you can get involved in another person's battle without even meaning to.  Or worse, you might be that kind of person who likes to "STICK UP FOR" your more timid BFF. Endeavor to resist falling into that TRAP at all costs💊💊💊
 Oh, I grabbed this anonymous poster because it speaks volumes.  Let's face it.  In life, we will come across all shades of personalities including the 'petty people'.  But as this poster goes, if your life is BIGGER and BETTER than those petty people, just shy off from the 'petty' ones.  NEVER stoop down to their level because they will [surely] drag you down in a dirty way not deserving of your values and persona.  And if it's someone else's battle, then someone else needs to be fighting it, not you at all💹💹💹
To quote Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese general and philosopher during the Eastern Zhou period in China, "THE WISE WARRIOR AVOIDS THE BATTLE'.  And if you're not stomped with that argument, do take a step back and look at the big picture.  And DON'T forget to ask yourself:  WHAT HAPPENS IF I LOSE THE BATTLE?  Think of the downsides, the risks.  Will you just throw out through the window all your efforts and successes in the past [and get dirtied in the mud]❓❓❓

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