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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Amid Sea of Change

Amid Sea of Change

THE ONLY PERMANENT THING IN LIFE IS CHANGE, period.  Apologies for quoting one of the most quoted cliche in years.  But as we usher in the year 2023, isn't it apt for us to [frankly] ask ourselves as regards our readiness and coping capability Amid Sea of Change which will unfurl [sometimes swiftly before you know it] right into our eyes the coming months.

The challenging question here which was often thrown to me by cynics is WHY should we bother ourselves with future uncertainties which are NOT even certain to materialize?  Simple.  In life, except for five [5] phenomena [e.g. accidents, illness, terrorism and natural calamities and anything that's FORCE MAJEURE, for anything and everything, we got to be prepared even prior to it to happen, if at all.
As a personal testimony, I can share my 2-cents that many times in the past, while I was so focused and framed to succeed in every endeavor I was undertaking, I always prepared myself for various scenarios, specifically when things don't come my way, when the results are NOT that favorable to me.  Having that 'iffffff' mindset gave me the lesser turnaround time in the future in case my undertaking got hit with a hiccup.  It didn't lead me to be off-guarded because I had a Plan B and even a Plan C.  Why do I provision for all those?  It is to anticipate even a sea of change not earlier factored.
Yesirrrrrs, being a STEP AHEAD is being AHEAD of the PACK.  C'mon, think about it if you are in a marathon but caught within the last batch of tail-enders who were literally 'EATING THE DUST' coming from the frontrunners.  So, see yourself.  Would you be rather one of the tail-enders in that punishing marathon [of life] would you prefer to have that edge by being amongst the frontrunners AMID the SEA of CHANGE✅✅✅

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