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Monday, January 16, 2023

Snippets from Miss Universe 2023

Snippets from Miss Universe 2023

Surprised ?  Surprised ?  Why suddenly I am swinging over to less serious stuff like the recent Miss Universe 2023 Pageant at New Orleans?  No sirrrrs.  Please DON'T tag stuff related the Miss Universe events as less serious.  Ironically, anyone of us can effortlessly pick up lessons from any Miss Universe events because I myself, right this morning [Saturday evening CST, USA], even passively watching the live streaming, I managed to pick up valuable snippets from the eventπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
First lesson I picked was from a candidate who aggressively proclaimed that 'LET NO ONE DEFINE YOU' [except yourself].  I believe this resonates a zillion times in our life and let us admit it, most [probably 95% at the very least] of parents have the best intentions to prepare a best possible future for their children.  But that's when heard some parents insisting that his child should pursue this 'xxx' career whereas the child was so honest to admit that doesn't feel a GOOD FIT [for good and valid reasons]πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
And when eventually it's the parents' "MARCHING ORDERS" are followed, voila, guess what's the probability of the child not successfully hurdling that career path 'LITERALLY IMPOSED' by the parents?  Another lesson I picked up was another candidate clearly stating that "REGARDLESS OF YOUR START, YOU CAN GO AS FAR AS YOU HAVE SET YOUR GOAL"πŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή
In fact, from the eighty four candidates, easily more than half of them really shared very 'CONTENT HEAVY' lessons in life.  No less than Miss Thailand was given a special award considering her very humble roots wherein her father was just a garbage collector.  With such a storied past, we should need no convincing how far she has really journeyedπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
After all the glitz and glamor, by the time the event ended, the hands-down winner as Miss Universe was Miss U.S.A., the very first Filipina-American to capture the coveted titled.  Her roots itself was another colorful story wherein her Filipino father migrated to the U.S.A. to pursue his doctorate studies.  Indeed, SUCCESS STORIES are NOT scripted.  It's for us to plot it out✅✅✅

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