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Sunday, January 15, 2023

How To Deal With Dullness In Life

How To Deal With Dullness In Life

No dull moments in your life?  Sure not? Can't believe if one would proclaim that he/she has NO NEED To Deal With Dullness In Life because it's NOT happening in his life?  Truth is, the mechanical, dull and sorrow-filled life with occasional bouts of happiness proves that we live a very unconscious life and really have no idea what is happening in our lives.  We tend to GO WITH THE FLOW of life, ending up as victims of external situations without questioning WHY I AM LIVING this particular way.   Why can't we ask the most basic of most questions like WHY AM I ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE?  WHY DO I NEED TO EARN MONEY?  WHY SHOULD I MARRY [and start a family❓❓❓

Problem is, we never go to the very root and core of our existence and instead, mostly tend to take everything for granted and start whining when things WON'T shape us as we expected.  It seems that it never occurs in us to pose and question the meaning of life, WHY AM I HERE?  What's the purpose of this life journey I am now part of?  Once we start asking these basic questions, we won't be anymore staring into that state of DULLNESS IN LIFE⏳⏳⏳

So you might confront me, HOW DO WE LIVE A MEANINGFUL LIFE?  Let's aim to become conscious beings, know WHO WE ARE and WHAT IS HAPPENING in our lives and lastly, where is our life heading to.  Let us STOP living a 'MECHANICAL LIFE' that is nothing but shallow happiness and mostly a heavy mind burdened with stress, tension and recuringly [and more often] anxiety📌📌📌
Courtesy of International Islamic University, I grabbed this poster because it says a mouthful.  And I couldn't agree less, from this perspective, indeed, the Covid pandemic is a blessing in disguise.  Before I get bashed, please DON'T get me wrong.  I am NOT hoping for another cycle of that dreadful and dreaded pandemic.  But at hindsight, after we recovered our senses, this poster says it all.  And BTW, these are some of the FIXES to that dullness in life.  Being with our family, having more time for self-reflection, collaborating with our local communities.  This says it all💊💊💊

Now, instead of us ending up misguided and hoping that another pandemic hits us [noooo sirrrrrrs], think about it.  Ponder for a moment and ask yourself.  Is it TIME FOR CHANGE?  And before you get floored with this motherhood statement, prune it down, make it more specific because that will help you 'self-diagnose' your plight and likely you will find the FIX that is apt for you so you can deal with the dullness in life effectively💹💹💹

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