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Sunday, November 27, 2022

When The ROT Runs DEEP

When The ROT Runs DEEP

When The ROT Runs DEEP, what do we do ?  Too bad, most of us would simply shrug it off.  Sweeping it under the carper.  No issue.  No problem.  Nada.  But hey, that's a FAUX PAS to say the least.  But before diving into our lives, let's step back and ask, why does food rot?  Simple  That process of spoiling is a natural part of the life cycle of all foods.  And the biggest bonus about this fact is that we can VERY EASILY detect it either by smell, taste, sight or feel.  The same logic goes for fruits.  It's part of that given process of spoiling.  Now, swinging to our lives, why is it that sometimes, we would [finally] realize that there seems to be something that's ROT in our life?  Hey hey hey, before you react vociferously, having a ROT or two in our life [I had it way back before] is nothing to cover up.

Even if we are in the midst of preparing various dishes for a food feast or fest, we could engage all the best chefs in town but the ground rule is that NOTHING as in NOTHING should be ROTTEN in the food preparation, not even in any of the ingredients.  Why> When The ROT goes undetected, the whole dish will go awry.

But you might retort that our lives CAN'T be compared to fruits because it's NOT an apples-to-apples thing.  Yes you're spot on there BUT.  Can't we dive into our own lives and take an honestly critical assessment, running a SANITY CHECK if somewhere from within there is ROT somewhere, something that may worsen and just spread out and worsen?

Sometimes, when we talk about ROT, we have to look, find and detect the UNSEEN, the ambiguous parts in our life.  It could be our CHARACTER [where you are ending up with more UNFRIENDING in FB than forging real and genuine friendships.  OR something may be rotting within your SELF-DISCIPLINE such that your own mess is going from bad to worse.

So do we fix that?  Let's borrow a page from the fundamentals in woodworks wherein before they finally do the 'REFINISHING' to gloss things over, from within and from deep inside the rotten wood, that gets fixed, patched and 'cured' before the finishing touches.  In our life, when that ROT runs DEEP, don't let it go from bad to worse.  FIX IT.  ASAP.  At the end of the day, you will be at the losing end unless your ROT from within gets fixed with finality๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

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