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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Best Foot Forward?

Best Foot Forward? 

Best Foot Forward? C'mon dude, think about it a thousand times because that's not something to be casually done, without pausing for a second or two if indeed you need to put your Best Foot Forward which really caught my attention when a famous former Olympic equestrienne shared her personal story when she finally accepted her husband who was then courting her years back.  One day when her then fiance was driving during the early stages of their getting-to-know each other, there was a rude driver who cut through their direction and her then fiance blurted out with a 'F__K' expression and she turned to him, dumb founded how can he blurt that four-letter word.
Another time, arother day, they got caught in a traffic snarl they didn't expect especially since they were running against time to catch up an appointment.  And right therein, she heard him again blurt that 'F__K" word and again, she turned and looked shocked how can he blurt that four-letter word.  This time, he asked her:  "DO YOU WANT MY BEST FOOT FORWARD"???
So, seriously, when "DO YOU WANT THAT BEST FOOT FORWARD"?  If you're in a marathon or sprint competition, GO FOR IT with your BEST FOOT FORWARD.  If you are in the job market angling for your dream job, yes, GO FOR IT with your BEST FOOT FORWARD.  But other than those circumstances, if you are wooing the dream girl of your life, why put your BEST FOOT FORWARD?
For now, let's consult Mr Webster's definition of that  BEST FOOT FORWARD thing and it states that it means TO BEHAVE VERY WELL IN ORDER TO GAIN SOMEONE's APPROVAL.    Well said.  So, what does this tell us.  In our interactions with our partner/spouse, with our immediate families, our close coterie of friends and confidants and your BFFs, why do you need to put your BEST FOOT FORWARD?  When what behooves is for you to be TRUE and GENUINE enough whether it's your persona, your character, even your mannerisms and behavior.
What's the probable scenario when we end up with that BEST FOOT FORWARD mindset?  That could lead us to end up lurking out at our shoe rack because you will never find the BEST SHOE every time you need to put that BEST FOOT FORWARD.  What's our insight here?  You can put your BEST FOOT FORWARD but that WON'T bring you far enough.  Who knows you might suffer a setback.  Think about with that BEST FOOT FORWARD mindset❗❗❗

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