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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Shred of Truth OR A Grain of Truth

A Shred of Truth OR A Grain of Truth 

Tough times indeed.  And the mother of all ironies is that information and TRUTH for that matter is all over the place, some within reach although a lot more, you have to exert extra efforts to eke out the TRUTH you want to have.  And with the proliferation of mobile applications and a lot more on-the-fly tools and software, it is surprising that some of us still end up holding on to information that is either UNTRUE or UNVERIFIABLE.
In the not so distant past, pollsters were revered like DEMIGODS.  In fact, any data they spew off from their media releases are [almost] always] tagged as gospel truth.  I just cannot recall where the credibility and veracity of any of the poll results were ever blemished with a tinge of doubt, moreso questioned.  But not these days though.
Throw in the numbers and what do we have is, voila, pandemonium no less.  But the grim and sadder part is not the complexity of the intertwined islands of information but rather how we, hapless people, are being hoodwinked and misled with half-truths and even 'UNTRUTHS' by the very vanguards of information, civil, federal and government officials [and sadly, politicians are NOT exempted from this sweeping swath.
Not to our least surprise, many of us end up being caught in the middle of all the tera data of information, of which a good chunk is rubbish no less.  So what's the fix?  Numero Uno, DONT accept all information hook, line and sinker, regardless if your very source is either your friend, your colleague or even your family members or relatives.
To be on the safe side of things, go only for either the SHRED or GRAIN of TRUTH and no less than that.  Worst thing is when you are either bamboozled, conned or deluded to embrace an information that is either UNTRUE or just a sheer concoction of the peddlers of misinformation.  We just DON'T want to end up on the receiving end other than the SHRED and GRAIN of TRUTH✅✅✅

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