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Monday, November 21, 2022

Mind Over Matter

 Mind Over Matter

Numerous studies have shown that we humans are an easily distracted species.  If I can't convince you right now, look around you, those folks holding on to their respective smart phones RIGHT NOW.  The irony here is that admittedly, we always longed for ways to really regulate our very own attention.  Mind Over Matter, that's the long and short of it.  I'd like to quote an extract from the Hindu Book which states our mind is "AS DIFFICULT TO CONTROL AS THE WIND".  I'd like to quote Michael Posner, a Fellow from the University of Oregon whose studies have shown that it's never a lost cause for us.  There are just two ways to train the mind.
According to Posner, his studies have validated that indeed people can learn to control their minds through practice.  There just seems a variety of ways to do such improvement.  'Mindfulness Meditation' was even introduced in some studies which proved that a month of meditation has altered the brain structure.  Along the lines of psychological studies, Posner recruited a group of smokers and non-smokers, randomly assigning some of them with tasks to make them more relaxed.  After two weeks, that 'relaxation' group showed a significant reduction in cigarette consumption.  This is Mind Over Matter no less.
That 'carrot and stick'?  That works.  It's not just another colloquialism.  Instead, those carrot things, those stick things, they really work.  But here's the not-so-secret formula.  There has to be CONSISTENCY no less because that is key for the Mind to prevail Over Matter
What amazed psychologists like Posner is that when there is a significant change in a person's behavior, that very person does not even realize that.  Why?  It's because the changes in their brain had given them more SELF-CONTROL without them realizing they were smoking less despite the fact that some of the reduction levels approached those of a quitter [in smoking]. This is another proof that indeed Mind prevails Over Matter.
Even that word I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E can be disproven and broken up.  Unfortunately, in life, our mindset stores a lot of IMPOSSIBLE stuff, leaving very little room for those that are POSSIBLE.  So, what pushes us to hurdle whatever is IMPOSSIBLE  All it takes is to recontrol those things n life that may be going way out of your control.  RECONTROLLING things is a must way before you think that Mind does prevail Over Matter๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™

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