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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Climbing Back In Life Is Most Important Than Anything Else

Climbing Back In Life Is Most Important

More than anything else, Climbing Back In Life is easily the most important NEXT STEP we need to take in life.  For multifarious reasons.  Firstly, your life is at stake.  Secondly, your fate is probably at the precipice of hitting a wall where you seem incapacitated to recover and restart things all over again.  Once you let this chance pass by you, it ain't knocking on your door AGAIN
Without veering into religion, one of the key teachings in Buddhism is that in life, there is always SUFFERING.  That life is impermanent and fragile.  Nothing will realy last.  Eventually, we will 'LOSE IT ALL'.  We care about and grasp unto much of what will ultimately change.  And in addition, life is just peppered with injury, sickness, losing loved ones and even death [sadly].  Now, what we're pitching is climbing back in life.
Climbing back in life is no 'cake walk'.  In fact more often, we will endure more of anguish and sufferings way long before we eventually turn things around.  Akin to the challenging climbing of steep mountain slopes, sometimes we will tend to hit successes that seem more of a respite in a 'pit stop' rather than being a milestone success.  And eventually, that progress may plateau and that will just make us more frustrated.
And those 'down' experiences will surely cause excessive emotions and frustrations, perhaps you end up too attached to how you currently feel and are performing.  And this does tie your happiness to variables you CAN'T control
At the end of the day, let us not loose of the fact that we just CAN'T turn things around just by and just on our own.  That's when you gotta remembering 'CALLING A FRIEND' because IT IS WHAT IT IS.  You got to leverage on that HELPLINE especially when you're running out [and probably, you ran out] of cards.  What is imperative is never lose sight that CLIMBING BACK IN LIFE is most important more than anything else๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

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