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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Poor Choices MAY Lead to Mistakes

Poor Choices MAY Lead to Mistakes

Indeed this seems not worth our talking point today?  Supposedly.  But the thing is, mistakes in our daily life seem to become part of a scripted comedy of errors where one mistake happens back-to-back till the poor fella really ends up so miserably down and sometimes so down at the gutter level.  So should we ask ourselves, do we make Poor Choices that Lead to Mistakes
I was browsing a recent research study which showed that typically we commit approximately 2,000 decisions every waking hour.  And that cycle starts when the alarm buzzes and you within nanoseconds, you will have to grapple with immediate decisions whether to cover your ears with your pillow OR to hit the snooze button OR simply rise up to start another day.
But let's admit that many of the decisions we make throughout the day take and need real thought and with each having its respective consequences.  Obviously, making consistently good decisions is the most ideal way to develop that valued habit to develop, whether at home or at work.  Too bad almost all of our choices would affect either our health, our safety, our family and/or relationships.
Challenge is, to be fair to us all, making decisions are easier said than done.  There will be iterations and iterations that will lead you to a multiple list of probabilities.  And sometimes when tough things get tougher, we would end up with 'close shave' decisions where a hairline separates it from either being the right or wrong decision.  So what's some rule of thumbs here?  Overcome that DECISION FATIGUE.  Else you'll struggle and likely err again.  Avoid DISTRACTIONS when you're about to decide because your decision may likely tilt on the wrong side of the equation and you can't UNDO that.
So let's do quick fixes here before we get stalled.  As this poster goes, 'MISTAKES ARE OFTEN A SCAPEGOAT FOR OUR POOR CHOICES💊💊💊

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