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Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Devil Is In The Details

The Devil Is In The Details

We have heard this zillion times, that indeed The Devil Is In The Details.  But who cares? Who takes that adage seriously.  Most of us [including myself in the past] would think that this is nothing more than just another adage we can spew out.  Seriously, there is a huge reservoir of insights we can pluck out from this adage because this just cuts through our life.

Many of us [wrongly] thought that when we hear "The Devil Is In The Details", it's about those contracts and documents [which seems boring to many of us].  But did we realize that when we do hear The Devil Is In The Details, what this means is that many things that are relevant enough in life are details which are not visible enough on the surface.  Often times, the details are scattered all over the surface but it does NOT get our attention [spelled A-P-P-R-E-C-I-A-T-I-O-N].

So, what explains why do we end up missing [not MESSING] up the relevant details?  It is because it is human nature that we end u seeing what we want to see and hear what we want to hear but NOT those we neither want to see or hear].  Let's get into our relationship with our partner/spouse.  Sometimes, let's admit that we tend to 'SHUT OFF' our eardrums for things we refuse to hear.  So, its NOT a surprise if we end up missing those relevant Details. 
So, what happens when we end up missing the details in life?  We could miss things BIG TIME.  While we keep hearing that we should have that 'HELICOPTER VIEW', unless you deep-dive into the details, it is very likely you will miss the biggest chunk of it all, that's for sure.
We have heard students ending up with miserable academic results because they missed out the relevant details.  We have heard workers getting axed because they either missed on their deliverables or they breached SLA's.  Or probably one's relationship with his partner/spouse hardly recovered back to stabilize because we missed out understanding the details that caused your partner/spouse to feel that bad.  This is really all about the devil may be in the details📌📌📌

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