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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

From Confusion to Clarity

From Confusion to Clarity

Who wants confusion?  Definitely no one.  But can we avoid confusion?  No way, Jose.  Why?  Because confusion is part and parcel of life. In fact, life in itself is a roadmap From Confusion to Clarity.  Never expect to get into that CLARITY state unless you started off somewhere the CONFUSION point.  When we hear "I DON'T KNOW", many times, these three words send some people into a PANIC state.  Not knowing can feel stressful.  It seems like you aren't on the right track.

Or that maybe you're never going to figure out the solution to your challenge and in the discomfort of 'NOT KNOWING" you avoid it like the plague.  When the first answer to "WHAT DO I WANT HERE?" is "I DON'T KNOW", you ricochet off the topic like a super ball and you avoid digging into it any deeper.  BUT that is NOT the way to find a solution.  As the poets say it, "KEEP DIGGING FOR BURIED TREASURE".

Imagine that you're a pirate, digging for buried treasure.  You land in a remote island, shovel in hand.  You're looking to find the treasure chest of your answer.  But as you begin to dig, all you're pulling up is dirt !  Then, imagine you get so UPSET and just stopped digging.  Just because you pulled up a few shovels of dirt.  That would sound crazy, right ?  Of course, you will scoop up some dirt because after all, this is buried treasure after all.  

BUT, we often react that way in our lives.  When you DON'T know the answer to something, you just stop digging.  BTW, the digging takes and requires SOME effort and it is definitely uncomfortable.  This is much more true when you're wrestling with a big challenge.  You may need to dig through more dirt of 'NOT KNOWING' before you get to the gold of 'KNOWING".  

All of this is to say this:  IF YOU LET THE FIRST FEW INSTANCES OF "I DON'T KNOW' HOLD YOU BACK FROM SEEKING YOUR ANSWER, YOU'LL NEEVR FIND IT".  Coming from CONFUSION to CLARITY is a long, arduous road to trek and BTW, not everyone does survive that treacherous trek.  So that's it.  The ROAD to CLARITY starts with CONFUSION.  The misconception here is that "NOT KNOWING" is bad and "KNOWING" is good because that means you are on track from CONFUSION to CLARITY📌📌📌

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