Life Has NO Do-Overs
Is there a SECOND CHANCE? Probably Second Chance Ave. Other than that, let's establish this: that Life Has NO Do-Overs. Whoever made you believe that you've got a SECOND CHANCE must be making a fool of you. Simply put, that's all baloney because you can say what you want but nothing in life will give you that opportunity for a SECOND CHANCE, even if you ask for it in bended knees.To quote respected motivational speaker and life coach Tony Gaskins, THERE ARE NO DO-OVERS IN LIFE. EVERY MOVE COSTS TIME, SO MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE YOUR BEST MOVE! And yet, till now, we here from all corners and nooks the same refrain, DON'T WORRY, YOU GOT YOUR SECOND CHANCE. But here's the thing. Reality is, your first chance is your last chance. And if you're angling for a second chance, so sorry sirrrrrrrrs, no one guarantees us that that will come. Because it WON'T. So what's our lesson here. Take every chance damn seriously. No half-hearted tries. No mid-efforts because life has NO do-overs.
Let's consult couples who celebrated their golden anniversary as to what's the trick they lasted together that long? Very likely we will hear from them that what egged them is because life has NO do-overs. But not to go in despair, nothing is lost. If you made mistakes, learn from it and move on. DON'T dwell on your past. That will only hold you back. And in case you did hurt someone, APOLOGIZE. A sincere apology would go a long way in repairing relationships and rebuild trust.
Keep in mind that an apology is not a guarantee of forgiveness. But even if you are not forgiven, your apology can help repair the relationship and start the healing process. Creating something akin to a SECOND CHANCE is to reach out to others. When we're struggling, it can be easy to feel alone and like no one understands us. Thing is, never shut off the doors for another chance
Now, when we make mistakes, learn from it. What led you to that situation you're in? What could you have done differently? How can you prevent yourself from making the same mistake again? Asking yourself these questions will help you grow as a person and make better choices in the future. And one of the best things you can do with a second chance is to make positive changes in your life. Making positive changes can be difficult but it is important to realize that while life has NO do-overs, when a door closes, figure out how a window of opportunity will open for you📌📌📌
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