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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Never Sell Your Friend 'DOWN THE RIVER

Never Sell Your Friend 'DOWN THE RIVER'

We have been harping and harping over and over again that we need to CHOOSE your friends and for those with a mile-long FB friends list, to prune it down more to validate rather than to literally cut down genuine and real friendships.  Now, what brings a full circle back?  It is on the assumption that your FRIENDS LIST has now been cleansed.  So what's next for us?  It's for us to signoff in that unwritten covenant that we should Never Sell Your Friend 'DOWN THE RIVER [regardless of circumstances].
On the other hand, we are taught [both in our cultures and upbringing] to value our genuine and real friends 'AS FAMILY' as much as possible.  WHY?  Because genuine friends are those to whom you can run to, when all your chips are down, when you are at your ebb, your lowest point.  Of course you're friends will celebrate with you your successes but that's only half of what friends are for.
In fact, there's this age-old widely accepted fact that while you CANNOT choose your family and relatives, we can CHOOSE the friends we deserve. Not to make a sweeping statement that all eggs are rotten because that is a fallacy, the flipside of this fact is that there are both good and rotten eggs.  It's for you to choose then.
And it is a given that as there could be good as much as rotten eggs, it becomes our CHOICE whether we want to be right next to either good or rotten eggs.  And if you end up with the rotten eggs, your guess is as good as mine.  What happens when you end up with that basket of rotten eggs?  Think about it, consequences are the resultant effect of the choices we make
But honestly, I can attest to have witnessed where someone did SELL his/her friend DOWN THE RIVER, practically sacrificing that friendship.  And that's when we would hear people 'CRYING A RIVER' because a dearly valued genuine friend has been dumped for whatever reason.  So, let us think things through.  DON'T jump on spur of the moment decisions influenced by anything other than what is rational and logical๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

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