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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Wanna Put Off Till Tomorrow?

Wanna Put Off Till Tomorrow?

All along, all our voices scream in unison when PROCRASTINATION pops up.  Even the habitual procrastinators will deny [to death] that they are procrastinators.  But not so fast though because there are advantages to it on certain conditions.  So seriously, do you Wanna put Off something till tomorrow?  Yes dude, there is a glimmer of hope for us NOT to loathe procrastinating but it's so crafted on specific assumptions so that doing it DOESN'T get stretched, ok?
What seems surprising though is that researches have shown it that there are benefits arising from PROCRASTINATION.  Not so fast though because there is a HUGE DIVIDE between chronic PROCRASTINATION versus that 'sweet spot' called moderate PROCRASTINATION.  Psychologist Adam Grant says that moderate PROCRASTINATION can help give our brain time to mull over a task or a problem and create that 'SPACE' for greater creativity and innovative ideas.  He further buttresses this theorem by vouching that that becomes the 'PRIMARY WORK ZONE' of innovators and even deep thinkers⏳⏳⏳
Whether or not we PROCRASTINATE may also be due to what kind of person we are, as well as what really motivates you.  And looking into our lives, there are basically two groups of people, namely, the TASK-DRIVEN and the DEADLINE-DRIVEN.  And frankly, either of these approaches is NOT bad or wrong.  While TASK-DRIVEN individuals would rather use their time to accomplish their goals in small bites, DEADLINE-driven people prefer to channel their stress to work under pressure as it helps them to put more focusπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
However, whether you are the DEADLINE-driven or not, if you end up as a chronic procrastinator, beating yourself only makes it harder to kick that [chronic] habit.  But where you can harness that ability to handle NEGATIVE emotions, that would help reduce your PROCRASTINATION as it worsens to be that chronic.  But rather than just shrugging off your shoulders and proclaiming that you are an innovator or a thinker, think about it.
So, whether the final verdict is do something NOW or SOMEDAY or WHENEVER, do seriously consider taking serious steps to curb PROCRASTINATION.  Find the very root cause of your anxiety for a particular task.  Address your limiting SELF-BELIEFS.  Reframe the project as something that is beneficial rather than something that measures your worth.  So, if you're putting off something till tomorrow, think about itπŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

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