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Monday, September 5, 2022


 Why Be A LAGGARD Instead Of A LEADER?

Please DON'T get me wrong.  Nothing wrong to be a LAGGARD because that's the result of all things that happened, all rolled into one.  But the bigger question is, is it fine to be a LAGGARD instead of a LEADER?  Let's put things in the right perspective, though.  No one wants to be a LAGGARD, that's for sure.  But as this poster goes, LAGGARDS are the result of either someone WHO DON'T LIKE CHANGE, or are 'SAFE PLAYERS' or those CONTENTED enoughπŸ’Ž

That theory may not be true 100% of the time but looking back through my journey, I'd like to believe that at the very least, 70% of the time, indeed being a LAGGARD is a result of either someone who's comfortable with the STATUS QUO, or someone CONSERVATIVE enough in terms if mindset or someone who believes there's no other goal to aim more because what he/she has is ENOUGHπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

If someone has NO aspirations to be a LEADER, that is fine but there's a catch there.  When someone from the pack zooms to be a LEADER, in due time, the next fellow will zoom up to become a LEADER as well, then the next one follows.  Before you know it,  by then, you have become the next LAGGARD you didn't expect to become.  Surely, you did not consciously choose to be a LAGGARD but nevertheless, you ended up as one.  WHY?  What drove you to the very precipice and edges of a disastrous runπŸ“Œ

Got to remember that we belong to that monstrous crowd elbowing each other ti find his way not just up front but at the center, the very core of things.  But if initially you're standing at the back, it will take more than just a token effort for you to muscle your way up front✅✅✅

So, seriously, how is it easy to be a LEADER instead of a LAGGARD?  No mean feat here.  You got to work your 'ass' dumb hard like there is no tomorrow.  Only then you are able to achieve that breakthrough.  Playing devil's advocate, why are we running away to be a LAGGARD?  Fair and simple.  We DON'T want to fail.  Unfortunately, to be a LAGGARD is akin to courting FAILURE which we DON'T want to avert and avoid, right❓❓❓

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