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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS

What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS

Let's go by the "VEGAS RULES" which says: What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS.  BUT you might ask, what does this got to do with our personal life?  A lot folks, this is so relevant in our daily lives.  Remember that not everything in life is for 'public consumption'.  Your personal plans alongside your partner/spouse is between the two of you.  Your arguments and family squabbles, all those must remain within the four walls of your home.  Your business plans, that's for you to execute till your business initiative flourishes

Many things in life need to be kept within wraps until it's time to 'spill the beans'.  I have witnessed zillion incidents which were caused by simply an innocent breach with no ill intentions up front.  I've witnessed conflicts that aggravated and exacerbated because things went beyond bounds.  Have you heard of a couple's argument where later on, the in-laws and other family members got embroiled too?  Sadly, a lot of these have happened.

 Let me share something personal.  When I planned to leave the countryside and explore life in the metropolis, NO ONE as in NO ONE was aware except my aunt [who eventually supported me financially until I finally got employed].  Why did i keep things UNDER WRAPS.  My reasons were PERSONAL and it's as follows:

  • I was UNSURE of things [if my plans FAIL].
  • Premature sharing won't help in my plans at all.
  • I might hear more naysayers than supportive ones.
  • I want to SURPRISE everyone [if my plan succeeds]

When topics swing to our health, the more things become tricky.  Obviously, if we're in the pink of health, you can scream and shout it across your community.  But WHAT IF something is ailing you or you're manifesting symptoms that may lead to a specific illness, you DON'T want everyone.  At that point, in fact, the only person privy about those facts, besides your family, will be your doctor.  So, What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS
In fact, if we are preaching What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS, we're referring to the PRIVACY-SECURITY-CONFIDENTIALITY triage.  And these three legs are sometimes separated by very thin invincible lines.  So, while we keep preaching TRANSPARENCY as one of the best attributes in life, lets not miss PRIVACY-SECURITY-CONFIDENTIALITY because after all, What Happens in VEGAS Stays in VEGAS📌📌📌

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