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Tuesday, September 27, 2022



How often in our life did we exclaim that we Are JUST 'ONE SHOT AWAY'?  I'd guess a couple of times, you were in that precipice to achieve your goal but in the end, things still went awry.  Did we look back and ask WHY?  Did we do a post-mortem to find out what caused our shortfall?  Or did we just give things a shrug because you just would NOT care less?
Well, chances are, dozens of goals cross your mind each day.  There are things you want to accomplish today, next week, and even next year on your MENTAL TO-DO LIST.  By turning that TO-DO LIST into actionable goals, you can get more done and feel a greater sense of accomplishment.  But it's all about understanding goals.  Achieving goals is NOT as simple as thinking on something you want to do and voila, you would be then completing the task.  No Senor๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
If it was, many people would end up to be VERY ACCOMPLISHED.  Instead, we think of things we want to complete, take a few steps towards the goal and then....get DISTRACTED [or worse, discouraged]. Smaller short-term goals are easier to reach than long-term goals that require more of a commitment and a very focused and consistent approach.  Its natural to want to see the results right away and when you DON'T, you may stop putting effort again.
It likely stays on your mind though, and you put it off or make less effort than you could toward meeting it.  For example, if you want to run a 10k Race, you have to commit to weeks of practice.  You have to build up your endurance, starting slowly by alternating intervals of running and walking until you reach your goal.  It's easy to feel motivated the first week, and even the second week.  But as the days pass, you may find yourself putting off practice until the next day, every day thereafter๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
 You then start to lose progress you made and feel more discouraged, so you let go of your goal, maybe even pushing something different.  Over time, you may have many half-finished ideas and projects that you never quite complete.  By setting more meaningful goals, you can accomplish more goals.  One thing for sure, if were 'ONE SHOT AWAY', give it a shot AGAIN❗❗❗

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