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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

When Things Go Awry

When Things Go Awry

We all know it and do it.  We plan and then we execute the plan.  Good for us, most of our plans do run true to form but as  the adage in Murphy's Law goes, "ANYTHING THAT CAN GO WRONG WILL GO WRONG'.  And that's normal.  We can't always have our way because sometimes, When Things Go Awry, that's bound to happen later if not sooner.
No amount of expertise or acumen from SME's [Subject Matter Experts] can ever guarantee that Things SHOULD NOT Go Awry because no one and nothing can reverse the course of things developing on the ground.  You can even have all the tools you need in life but always remember, somewhere along the way, things will either get disconnected or disjointed.
In fact and in truth. no amount of armour can give our life a fortress solid enough not to get cracked or worse, to collapse and crumple.  History is littered with stories of heroes and famous athletes who went on a streak of successes but somewhere down the road, the rope finally snapped when the last of its fibers just can't handle it anymore.  Such is life.  We got to brace ourselves for a Scenario B and even a Scenario C.
Problem is, most of us got so spoiled and wrongly thought that life will always be nice and dandy.  Not true at all.  In fact, this is a fallacy proven over time.  You might think Lady Luck is with you [TILL FOREVER] because you never ran out of successes and all the stuff.  NOT UNTIL one day when things ended up like a train wreck. But we WON'T waste our time to think if those exceptions can be nipped in the bud [because they just CAN'T because they are bound to happen].  What should keep us busy is figure out how to handle things when everything 'GOES SOUTH'.  I've personally known people who were awash with $$$$$$ for decades NOT UNTIL lightning struck them damn hard.  Sadly, they were unable to pick up the pieces again.
Oh, this is one of the most boring posters I ever came across but I still grabbed and posted it here.  Why?  Because its message grabbed me by my lapels.  This truism did stick on me till now.  Since that time I came across this adage, I always braced and prepared myself if ever I do fall flat on my face.  And WHEN THINGS GO AWRY, what do we do?  RISE UP as fast as you can.  NEVER linger and roll over the ground, wounded and bruised because you'll be prolonging your agony.  All these, though, can be averted if we're prepared WHEN THINGS GO AWRY✅✅✅

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