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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Begin With The End in Mind

Begin With The End in Mind

Many of us really think a lot and to be frank, many of us OVERTHINK.  Even when we're about to hit the sack, you could be rolling left and right on your bed because of OVERTHINKING.  Hey, that's not really wrong per se but can we Begin With The End in Mind.  That could do wonders for us because right away, it will DECLUTTER our mind and DECONGEST our thinking.  Whatever is/are our priority right now, Begin With The End in Mind.

Why do many athletes and sportsmen excel in their respective events?  Simple.  It's because they always Begin With The End in Mind.  Rafael Nadal.  Lebron James.  Michael Phelps.  Tiger Woods.  They all plotted their 'loooong' journey by Beginning With The End in Mind.  We have seen the success stories of these sportsmen kicking off when they plotted their intensive training programs that spanned years and years.  Besides the element of time, they invested in top tier trainers and just bottomless drive to excel in their respective events.  Why did they not go OFF TRACK ?  Simple.  They did begin their respective journey with the end in mind.

Let's begin with our relationship with our partner/spouse.  If your End in Mind is to have a robust relationship that will last a lifetime, then, work things out on a consistent basis to develop, evolve and sustain the robustness of your relationship.  If you have a startup business now, be focused on your business goal as achieving that will guide your NEXT STEPSπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Magnus Carlsen, today's #1 chess player for the past ten years, has been lording it over with the rest of the pack eating the dust with next best chess player a far second.  Yet, for the rest of the Top 20 super grandmasters, why have they been so successful?  It's because these chess grandmasters are one of the most disciplined folks ever because they always Begin With The End in MindπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So what's our formula so that we don't veer away from our mantra to Begin With The End in Mind.  First off, you got to have a ROADMAP no less.  That ROADMAP will take you from where you are now until you get to your destination.  And if along the way you get OFF-TRACKED, take drastic measures for you to get back ON TRACK.  Remember to Begin With The End in MindπŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—

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