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Friday, September 9, 2022

How Difficult Is It to BOUNCE BACK

How Difficult Is It to BOUNCE BACK

How Difficult Is It to BOUNCE BACK?  Surely, if there will be hundred responses, there will be a hundred versions as well.  WHY?  Because that's an indemic part of our human frailties.  We each have our own unique reasons for bouncing back and looking at the whole nine yards will lead us from the forever optimist all the way to the forever pessimistπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
According th American Pastor Charles Swindoll, people who soar are those who REFUSE TO SIT BACK, sigh and wish things would change.  They neither complain of their lot nor passively dream of some distant ship coming in.  Rather, they visualize in their minds that they are NOT quitters, they will not allow life's circumstances to push them down and hold them under. And my favorite word, 'RESILIENCE', it traces its origin to the Latin word 'resilire' which means 'TO LEAP BACK'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
RESILIENCE enables us to live a life that is based on choice rather than being at the mercy of chance or habit.  It also enables you to manage adversity and 'bounce back' when life has shot you down.  When we are living a RESILIENT life, we are living a FULFILLED life where we know who we are and we know what's important to us☝☝☝
As the late and very much respected STEVE JOBS said: 'LIFE IS GOING TO HIT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK' and that's the time you should ask yourself if you have that RESILIENCE to BOUNCE BACKRESILIENCE will go through your acid test when you are deep down in the drainage, when you are almost fatally at the end of the roadπŸ””πŸ””πŸ””
When do you think you can proclaim to the whole word that you're OVER THE HUMP?  That's when you can unequivocally claim that "I'VE MASTERED THE ART OF BOUNCING BACK'.   Frankly, I'm far from making that self-proclamation but what I can attest is that during my DOWN moments, I have figured things out to extricate myself and BOUNCE BACK by setting my sights NOT on LOFTY GOALS but on the low-hanging fruits that will entail the less efforts rather pushing me to the hilt.  At the end of the day, BOUNCING BACK can be your constant battle cry ONLY IF YOU want to❗❗❗

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