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Sunday, September 25, 2022

How Far Should You PUSH Yourself

How Far Should You PUSH Yourself

No sirrrrrs, I am NOT taking back my previous insights and sharings with regard PUSHING ourselves because we really need to do all the PUSHING as far as we can and we could.  But  How Far Should You PUSH Yourself?  Good question and this time around, let me qualify as to how How Far Should You PUSH Yourself.  One piece of advice.  DON'T push yourself if what you are pursuing or attempting is simply INSANELY IMPOSSIBLE.  Just stop itπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Even athletes, indeed they push themselves as far as they can but everything is regimented and executed in a controlled phase.  It's an extreme rarity to hear that an athlete succumbed to a fatal heart attack while on training.  In brief, KNOW YOUR LIMITS.  And in case you do not have the know-how as to how your activities need to be phased, reach out to experts so you know How Far Should You PUSH YourselfπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

BTW, even freeways and inter-state highways have SPEED LIMITS.  Why? Because such is life.  Nothing is unlimited.  In truth, nothing in life is an exception.  NOT even praying.  Yes you can be pious but not at the expense of your health, welfare and well-being.  There was this tale about a man named John Henry who worked as a manual rock crusher.  In a contest against a machine, a steam drill., John Henry would drill more rock manually with his hammer and chisel to win it all but only to succumb to a heart failure.  

Even airplanes are NO exception.  They will NEVER force their landing not until they get the GO SIGNAL from the control tower.  Meanwhile, they will go on a HOLDING PATTERN wherein they will do a roundabout until they finally get the GO SIGNAL.  So, even pilots are trained  as to How Far Should they PUSH their aircraft.

Our insight for the day:  Never taper off.  Keep going.  Aim high and higher.  Never pull the brakes simply because of our piece today.  But nothing is unqualified.  BTW, sadly, my high school classmate who was a Navy Captain succumbed to death after he went through a heart-stomping rigid exercise which he missed to realize that in life, regardless of our fitness, we need to be aware How Far Should You PUSH Yourself❗❗❗

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