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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Don't Take Too Long to Regain Control

Don't Take Too Long to Regain Control

Surely, everyone of us lost control of the situation [probably] several times in our life.  And that's fine because that's just reality.  But it will be BIG NEWS [and a BIG LETDOWN] to me if I hear someone admitting that he NEVER regained control of the situation till he went kaput.  And that's regrettable to say the leastπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Truth of the matter, if you DON'T regain control of a situation that's like a train wreck gone 'south', you would have ended up with a fatal ending because no one survives unless you really Regain Control of a situation.  Whether we're referring to a relationship that hits rough patches or an academic performance in school that has become almost hopeless.πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

We could be in an emotional letdown and no amount of helpline can extricate you from that deep morass.  Or in a workplace environment, you could be at the edges of being given up by your bosses because of various flops.  And how do you Regain Control? You got to figure out a 180-degree turnaround no less because there is no other wayπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ 

And one of the most common areas where we often lose control is our TIME MANAGEMENT.  Suddenly, tasks will overflow.  Before you know it, tasks have piled up.  And anxiety leads to pressure to undue stress.  Why could things turn from BAD to WORSE?  Likely, it took you time to Regain ControlπŸ”–πŸ”–πŸ”–

If there is a most common stumbling block for us to Regain Control, it is our lack of confidence that we can maneuver a turnaround.  Count in the many pessimist who don't need naysayers because they are their worst enemy because they themselves become the very BLOCKERS of what they should achieve.  if there is a dose of medicine that needs to be propagated to us all, it is this billboard's message that YOU CAN DO IT as long as you ensure that you don't morph for so long before you Regain Control of the situation✅✅✅

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