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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Do You Have Enough?

Do You Have Enough?

Do You Have Enough?  Whether it is about financials, properties. health, wealth and all the perks in life, I can bet my lump sum salary that any Tom, Dick and Harry will retort back that "NOT ENOUGH".  And that just affirms all along man's most widespread and chronic 'SIN', if you may call it, in life.  Because our wants and desires have frequently been chronic as UNSATIABLE.  Talk to anyone, they are all caught up in that vicious cycle where they continue to be in that 'rat race' of a never-ending search to get more than what was the most recent acquisition.  Find a synonym for INSATIABLE, that borders on GREED.

You could be someone in culinary arts and here you are, you want the most complete list of ingredients before you start cooking your recipe.  Or you could be that up and coming entrepreneur who keeps on achieving milestone successes and YET, never reaches that point of being satisfied and contented enough.  Heard of entrepreneurs who ended up in bankruptcy?  A number of them ended up bankrupt because of being UNSATIABLE.

Or you could have ended up as a chronic shopaholic after being locked out by this pandemic.  You ended up scouring the web for all the tempting online sales during 7.7 or 8.8 or 9.9 and so on.  But it begs to ask you if indeed Do You Have Enough?  What will it take to pull the brakes and remind us that YES WE HAVE ENOUGH of what we wantπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

How often have we heard that someone is so SHOCKINGLY in the doldrums when not too long ago he was enjoying the sun at its brightest?  And what brought him down to the ground?  It's being UNSATIABLE, a very toxic manifestation that borders on GREED.  And how many times did we regret that at some point, you had enough but you get caught with GREED.

This boils down to a predicament when one seems to BITE OFF MORE THAN WHAT HE CAN CHEW.  So, what should we do now?  Run a REALITY CHECK because if you feel YOU HAVE ENOUGH, you could avert stumbling down because YOU HAVE ENOUGHπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

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