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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dominoes Are Like Life

Dominoes Are Like Life

Dominoes are not today's popular board games anymore but that's not our thread for today.  I'd like to compare Dominoes to our own life because Dominoes are like LIFE.  Much akin to life itself, it takes quite a while to BUILD the stepping stones in life, from where we will use it as a 'BRIDGE' to jump from one small milestone to another.
In life, no one can claim to have taken a quantum leap from the ground up high to the sky.  Not even the Elon Musks or Bill Gates we know of.  Instead, looking at the vastness of the wide open seas, we would put in place smal stones and build a 'BRIDGE' for us to progress forward our journey..  Very much akin to dominoes.
Contrary to this GIF, life and even dominoes are much alike.  Make one 'SMALL' mistake and one domino gets tipped down and then it causes the next and tnext ones to fall down as well.  Swinging back to our lives, make one 'SMALL' mistake and it can lead to one minor mishap before it turns out into a major fall
As this poster goes, in life, one mistake can lead to a series of consequential things to happen that would spin out of control before you can recover and hold the bull back by its horns.  Look back through your past.  Surely we [including myself] did cause various exponential impacts, all because of a SMALL mistake.
Contemplating to take a LEAP?  Hmmm, that sounds exciting but frankly, that could end up to be an 'INSANE & CRAZY' proposition [pardon my adjectives]. WHY?  It's because that's NOT reality at all.  Yes, you may hit the LOTTO jackpot but that is a one in a million probability.  At the end of the day, it behooves for us to be guarded and cautious enough with every decision we make, regardless as to how minor and petty it may be because we DON'T want our life to crumble down in a 'DOMINO EFFECT'❗❗❗

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