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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Too Little Too Late

Too Little Too Late

How many times in our life did this happen wherein it became Too Little Too Late?  Like when you wanted to graduate with top honors but before you knew it, it was already the 4th quarter of the academic year?  Like when your relationship was going down and down and by the time you made a move, your partner walked away by then?  Or your business was sinking and by the time you want to revive it, your creditors have filed their legal remedies against your properties and business ?

Without generalizing things, what could be the most 'common culprit' for us to realize that indeed, by the time we make a move, it isToo Little Too Late?  It all boils down to TIME.  NOT because we didn't had time.  NOT because there were conflicting timelines.  NOT because we had zero options.  But likely it's because we all thought we had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD.

Common culprits triggering Too Little Too Late end-games are WRONG information, WRONG facts, WRONG assumptions. WRONG historical basis.  And when you get it all WRONG, we know well the end result and your guess is as good as mine.  It all sums to GARBAGE-IN GARBAGE-OUT because in the very first place, our very raw data, raw information and raw assumptions were all wrong and incorrect.  But this is just one common cause of ending up in Too Little Too Late end games.

Conclusion:  Let's all get our FACTS right.  Unfortunately, NOT all facts are facts per se.  Because there are BAD data.  Because there are INVALID data.  In brief, you need to VALIDATE your data and information before coming up with strategies and plans based on the GIVENs + ASSUMPTIONS.  

If we're in a damn topsy-turvy world now, it is us to blame because these are the results of decisions and actions we have taken in our lifelong journey.  And what's regrettable is when in end games that result in a relationship breakup or in a business collapse, we still come up with the solution that comes in Too Little Too Late❗❗❗

Monday, May 30, 2022

When We're a SPECK OF SAND on the Beach

When We're a SPECK OF SAND on the Beach

Yesirrrrs we're a SPECK OF SAND on the beach, like it or not.  And that's just perfectly fine as we all came from dust anyway.  The $64 challenge we all face in life is how to eke out from all those sand dunes for us not to remain as just specks of sand across those coastal stretches.

Otherwise, we DON'T want to get washed out from the beach each time the waves come rushing because what does that leave of us by then?  In life, we DON'T want to be just another one in that mammoth crowd.  Why?  Because unless you get recognized, you'll end up bereft of even a "China man's" chance to etch your mark whether it be in your workplace, in your community or within your entrepreneurial initiatives.

Assuming we are akin to an islet, even that is not reassuring because islets can be engulfed and before you know, it becomes incognito after the waters eventually engulf it.  Imagine living a life where you're constantly falling aground and fighting off the waves and waters that threaten you towards obliteration.  So how do we handle things in life?  UPSIZE and UPGRADE your existence from simply being another SPECK OF SAND on the beach.   If you're in a new-found relationship, do you want your new partner to [wrongly] think that you're just another SPECK OF SAND?

In concrete terms, what else should we do so we DON'T end up just as another SPECK OF SAND?  First of, DO MORE THAN JUST BY SIMPLY SHOWING UP.  Don't be another DECOR on the WALL.  Ger RECOGNIZED.  How?  JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE.  Prove your mettle.  Be IMPACTFUL beyond what is enough.

If you're in the service industry, you just DON'T deliver the service.  Deliver beyond what is deliverable.  With your loved ones, DON'T just love them for what they're entitled but instead overwhelm them way beyond and above so we DON'T remain as a SPECK OF SAND on the beach❗❗❗

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Rising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix

Rising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix

Happy and Restful Sunday.  Surely, at some point in our past, we all did get burned and turned into ashes [unless you're in your infancy born yesterday] so I guess we're safe on that. Rising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix then becomes the talking point because we got to look back how we handled it.

Be it during school days, be it in your past or even present relationships, be it in your work life or be it in your entrepreneurship, let's pause for now and find how did we Rise From the Ashes Like a Phoenix after all?  And surely, you can't believe how you did rise from the ashes.  And I'm cocksure, you're praying that that won't hit you again because even as we speak now, you really DON'T know HOW you managed to wiggle out and survived from that 'life threatening' debacle, figuratively speaking.  But if there is a commonality amongst us, it is RESILIENCE that pushes us damn hard to survive the worst of the worst times in our life.  

Yes, everyone of us are as fragile as feathers.  That's akin to saying that we could be working our ass damn hard in life but when something fatal hits us, we could be like fragile feathers and Rising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix becomes the same story endured and retold many times across us because that explains why we're still alive and kicking now.

For those in the brink of hitting rock bottom these, not to despair, Rising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix is not cloaked like a trade secret.  Instead, it all boils down to our RESILIENCE and [intestinal] FORTITUDE to 'weather all storms'.  How do have traits like those?  You got to 'HUNGER' for it, YEARN for it, wanting it, needing it badly in life.

As Carl Sagan, the noted American astronomer has been well quoted "STARS ARE LIKE PHOENIXES, RISING FROM THEIR OWN ASHESRising From the Ashes Like a Phoenix".  So why can't we be a celestial body like the stars?  BTW, why does the solar system never run out of stars?  Instead, the next NASA update we'll hear is that another star has been discovered.  Again, it's back to RESILILIENCE and FORTITUDE. If you DON'T have yet these traits, go and develop these as they are NOT innate or inborn.  It's never too late to keep reinventing yourself because that's life is all about.  You just CAN'T and SHOULDN'T live in a STATE of STUPOR.  Go Go Go and continue kicking the dusts in life❗❗❗

Saturday, May 28, 2022



BETTER Than BEST?  Oh, am I opening Pandora's Box?  Probably because this could lead us to a loud [and maybe] a rowdy debate because surely this is very much debatable but certainly worth our time and worth a page for our blog today.  First off.  Who totally defers from the statement that indeed to be better is much BETTER Than BEST?  Now, let's put things in perspective.  The fastest runners run between 12-14 mph [19-23 kph] while the average bear runs between 30-40 mph [48-64 kph].  That means if a bear decides to give chase, even USAIN BOLT, the world record sprinter, could NOT outrun it.

Where does this contention lead us to?  Well, let's go back to that adage which this poster says that TO GET AWAY FROM A BEAR, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE THE FASTEST RUNNER IN THE WORLD.  YOU JUST NEED TO BE FASTER THAN THE GUY BEHIND YOU.  Simply put, this reinforces our affirmation and assertion that indeed BETTER Than BEST really holds water.  So what's the GOOD NEWS for us all?  We DON'T need to be the best.  We just need to be better.  Moreover, to state 'BEST' is very relative.  In fact and in truth, it is an IMPOSSIBLE STANDARD that simply lacks credibility.  But instead, 'BETTER' is a realistic claim and a much easier comparison to make.  As simple as that.

Last month, I visited my optometrist whose clinic was the very first one I patronized many years back.  Despite that, she uttered that she was driven to offer better service than any of the competition and she wanted to 'OUTDO' her very own great service a year ago.  To her, this seemingly lower claim is actually much more realistic, much more believable and simply much more appealing to me as a customer.  The standard of 'BETTER' also keeps you on your toes.  Like being chased by a bear, you always have to be one step ahead NOT to get eaten.  Thinking you're better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is always room for improvement .  BTW, being the best offers only a SHORT-TERM advantage.

Listen, dude.  Once you are the BEST, there is no incentive to push you any harder and laziness or hubris start to set in.  And for all those BESTS out there who believe their incentive is to stay the BEST, they are fooling themselves.  WHY?  Just as there is much more of an incentive to lose few pounds than to stay the same weight, just as there is much more of an incentive to run your next race faster than to run it at the same pace, the INCENTIVE TO IMPROVE IS ALWAYS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FALSE INCENTIVE TO STAY IN ONE PLACE, even if it's the best.

In the past, being GOOD was GOOD ENOUGH !@#$%?  Good grief.  That should be donkey years back.  As society evolved, being GOOD was not even GOOD ENOUGH.  So that's when the rowdy debate being BETTER and being BEST all started.  Having said a mouthful, this piece should put to rest the argument that being BETTER is much better than being BEST✅✅✅

Friday, May 27, 2022

Exploiting Little Edgers

 Exploiting Little Edgers

Humans are biased for anything that is something big, major and significant.  For slight and small opportunities, they are hardly recognized [or even acknowledged at the very least].  What tends to catch us are BIGtime opportunities alongside the magnitude of Lotto Millions.  And it's sad if we fail to be Exploiting Little Edgers.

Whereas, can we swing over to the mindsets and 'DISCIPLINE' of digital fraudsters. What these digital predators are very watchful start off from the slightest and most petty information that may lead towards exploring such opportunity and translating it into a concrete plan.  It could happen to a huge global organization having one single disgruntled employee who resigns.  And that ex-employee used to be part of IT Operations. Now, you can speculate from there onwards.

Now let's swing back to everything on a positive note.  Each time we wake up, we are watchful for opportunities no less. But here's the thing.  Let us NOT filter things out.  Let us NOT ignore those drips and drops of water from the faucet.  If at the workplace, your boss assigns you a task that is OUT of SCOPE, take a positive spin.  DON'T you think that that will 'add a feather to your cap' eventually?  

If in your relationship, your partner/spouse seems to be angling for something that is more of 'whims' than needs, ask yourself, how much will it cost you to give in, in terms of an act of goodwill done in good faith. Aren't those 'brownie points' up for your picking? 

Lesson here is that let us constantly keep a close watchful eye for those Little Edgers because who knows, that will be your 'takeoff point' when it does get translated into a concrete opportunity till it ends up with a WIN for you.  Can you continue to Exploit Little Edgers❗❗❗

Thursday, May 26, 2022



Hey folks, how's Your PERSONAL BRANDING?  BTW, this is NOT to impose something much against your own will as I am NOT vested with such right.  But instead, this is NOT for us to do a spiel and hard sell for your buy-in.  Like it or not, even if you are aghast with PERSONAL BRANDING, by now you have your own PERSONAL BRANDING even if you are oblivious and totally unconscious about all these because THIS IS A GIVEN.

So, even much to your own protest, you might ask when did you ever have your very own PERSONAL BRANDING?  Hmmm, as early as you established your own identity even if you have not reached legal age yet.  Your character, your habits, your values, your personality and even all the chinks in your armor, all of these are inputs that built and shaped up your own PERSONAL BRANDING which unfortunately you may be unaware till now?

Now let's be brutally frank.  If you see yourself as a conscientious, responsible and well-grounded worker, does that comprise the very core of your PERSONAL BRANDING?  YESsirrrrrs if that's how you are perceived and a loud NO if that's NOT the perception about you.  See these circles.  PERSONAL BRANDING is NOT how you project yourself but instead, it is how you're seen and felt.
You might ask, is there an off-the-shelf DIY so you can put up the PERSONAL BRANDING you want?  Sorry folks, PERSONAL BRANDING is a confluence and combination of everything about you.  If at work, you're known for your eye for details, you will be branded as such and seen as such be it by your peers, your clients, your boss.  As a partner, if you are just a lousy, irresponsible and totally nonsense guy, even if you dump your partner RIGHT NOW, you CAN'T RUN AWAY from that 'notorious' PERSONAL BRANDING at all.
Build an aura of positivity and good vibes and people will be singing HOSANNAHs even behind your back.  BTW, your PERSONAL BRANDING will carry on to be your very YOU even if you get into a new relationship, even if you switch careers, even if you do a MAKE-OVER.  But for those in despair, everything is not lost if you want to overhaul and reinvent yourself to have that PERSONAL BRANDING you want✅✅✅

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Act in a 'HEARTBEAT'

 Act in a 'HEARTBEAT'

How fast is a 'HEARTBEAT'?  Hmmm, it could be as slow as 'bradycardia' which is at 60 beats per minute or it could be as fast as 'tachycardia' which can be faster than 100 beats a minute.  Either way, it tells us that a heartbeat can be NO longer than one second, whew.

Ooops, let me clarify. Today's piece is NOT about medical or health aspects but instead we would want to magnify the fact that in every single decision in life, time is of the essence.  The impact and ramifications of the turnaround time cannot be understated because often, there are consequences where there is no UNDO.

Nothing wrong really in spending time to think thoroughly before reaching a decision point but our dilemma is that in the long run, we tend to get used to it.  We end up thinking that TIME is ON OUR SIDE? No sirrrrs, we can only buy so much time but we DON'T have the luxury to spend days when you can think about it in an hour at most or spending weeks and months when you can discuss a decision point with your spouse/partner, all within a day.

This is the 'undervalued value' of making decisions in a 'HEARTBEAT'.  Heartbeat decisions do NOT imply that you will end up with haste decisions.  On the other hand, any decision must be reached out in a painstaking thoroughness akin to combing things with a fine comb.  Many tend to gloss over that 'HEARTBEAT' value but let us not because that's a huge miss.
Yes folks, it is the 'TTD' [Time To Decide] that in truth and in fact pushes up the value of those life decisions.  The eye-opener are those decisions which we do make but still those decisions end up as moot and academic.  Why? Because it could be TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.  Imagine if you and your partner were patching things up and for quite sometime, your partner was reaching out to you, swoon over heels while you put up with your ego till one day you finally thought the relationship is worth working up again.  Only to find out that your partner has FINALLY walked away from you, whew❗❗❗

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Cut and Cut Clean

Cut and Cut Clean

Not to sound political but long time back, the then very revered and respected U.S. President Ronald Reagan sent his Special Envoy Paul Laxalt to confront an Asian strongman a.k.a. dictator and in no mean words, the Special Envoy passed this very blunt message from President Reagan to the Asian dictator to "Cut and Cut Clean".  The rest is all written in history but not to worry, I don't intend to veer away today's piece into politics as this is not the appropriate forum for 'geopolitiks'.

Instead, we'd like to amplify this generic message of being "MAN ENOUGH".  And BTW this is not just intended for the male gender.  Point is, as a person, if you want to articulate something, say it with BREVITY and DON'T dilly-dally and bit around the bush.  If you have a political stand, stand for your 'political color' and DON'T be a chameleon and spewing a mouthful.

Truth of the matter, in life, we should be 'MAN ENOUGH' for our own beliefs and conviction.  Just DON'T zig-zig, zag-zag and zigzag trying to project your intellectual prowess only to be a wimp, figuratively speaking.  Many relationships fatally end up not because of a major issue but instead because their relationship has become that convoluted.  
In fact, life is not a web of complexity. Life is as simple as CALLING A SPADE A SPADE. DON'T be verbose.  Say what you want but do and cut it straight to the point.  Why do many conflicts start as a friction and end up as huge conflagration comparable to the uncontrolled forest fires in the wilderness of Australia during scorching summer.

In the shortest words, say what you want.  Pour it out.  Say it out.  Save the KBytes of Meta/FB with all the 'verbose mannerisms' because at the end of the day, YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE❗❗❗

Monday, May 23, 2022

Who's on a 'FREE FALL' ?

Who's on a 'FREE FALL' ?

True, no one wants to be on a 'FREE FALL' but it's really NOT our choice but instead, it is what it is.  The fact that needs to be amplfied and magnified is that when you're on a 'FREE FALL', the trajectory is always on a downward direction.  The $64 question is how do we handle things when life is going down on a spiral because if you left things as it is, your guess is as good as mine.  Eventually you will reach your end and that end will be damn 

Eventually you will reach your end and that end will be damn fatal.  We'll not even spend time discussing 'FREEFALL' from a gravity standpoint.  But if there is any parallelism between physics and real life, it is a known FACT that once you are on a 'FREEFALL', even if you start with a zero speed, it will accelerate all because of gravity.
Point is, no one else can run counter to the force og gravity.  And if you are in a 'FREEFALL' in your life, guess where and how will you end up unless you take the most drastic step to arrest its course  and reverse its direction.  BTW, even when you are able to reverse its direction, you can only buy so much time and within that new LEASE of LIFE, you got to do what it takes to get back on course, on track and preferably NOT against gravity because in life, going against gravity is akin to going against the norm or against logic.  If your relationship did hit a rough patch and efforts to save it only turned things from bad to worse, looks like you're in for a 'FREEFALL' and you're only way out is to go against its direction head-on no less.

One of the recurring 'FREEFALLs' in life is DEPRESSION.  The World Health Organization states that DEPRESSION by itself already afflicts 280 million people [ key facts published on 09.13.2021 @https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression.  Fix for this?  Take a dead-serious and no nonsense treatment no less.  
If there is a single antidoe to 'FREEFALL', it is to avoid a 'confluence of events' that will lead you to 'FREEFALL'.  Combine multiple problems encompassing financial + health + relationships, you have a recipe for 'FREEFALL' at hand. Sage advice?  Drill, dice and breakoff major problems separately.  Compartmentalize a complex issue, you got one foot out of the foxhole❗❗❗

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Why CULTURE Matters

Why CULTURE Matters

Is there such a thing as cultural exclusivity?  No way, Jose.  No one size fits all.  You can be from the White Race, Yellow Race or even the Colored Race but no culture can claim monopoly and superiority over the rest of the crop.  No such thing as a SUPERIOR culture.  Neither is there an INFERIOR culture.  This all boils down to today's piece as to why I got to pitch Why CULTURE Matters.
Even in the U.K., while there is a very admired British culture, let us not overlook the Irish culture. Besides the long list of famous Irish [I admit I'm a fan of Liam Neeson], let us not loose sight why IRELAND is famously called the 'Emerald Isle'.  But besides that, Irish culture stands out as well.  And don't forget the St Patrick's Day, the famous irish holiday celebrated from DUBLIN to TOKYO.  Besides the irish Rugby, horse racing,  shamrocks, cliffs, castles and the world famous Guinness Beer, the irish hospitality is so revered everywhere.   [NOTE:  this is NOT an advertisement]  We can continue to rattle off but this page won't be sufficient to even scratch the surface to discuss about the Irish culture.  Suffice to say Why CULTURE Matters
Even the Nordic countries like SWEDEN can't be left off from our conversation as to Why CULTURE Matters.  Besides Alfred Nobel and ABBA, do a fast forward now and we got the SPOTIFY apps and the mammoth-sized IKEAs all over the planet.  BTW, DON'T forget H&M, one of the most popular retailers today [my family never misses it when we go to the malls].
And INDONESIA? No way I'll downplay the Indonesian culture.  If there's a country I've visited more than any other place else, it is INDONESIA.  Of course Bali and Borobudur + the nasi goreng are all patented Indonesian.  But more than that, I admire their 'GENUINENESS'.  More than 20 years ago, my departing flight from Soekarno-Hatta Airport got cancelled [for reasons I'm bewildered].  And I ended up spending the night, lying down in a bench outside the airport but I felt SO SAFE as Indons were playing chess next to me.  That's one aspect of the Indonesian CULTURE.
BTW, even in the NBA, why is the Miami Heat ballclub one of the most-sought after team to be with?  It's all because of culture.  When the Boston Celtics finally nailed down the spot against Miami Heat in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, the Celtics guy were saying in union that "THERE'S LOTS of DOGS" in that team.  And that boiled down again th the famous Miami Heat culture.  This is Why CULTURE Matters❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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