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Monday, May 9, 2022

There is NO 'Middle Ground' in Life

There is NO 'Middle Ground' in Life

This is a huge gaping hole most of us fall and get trapped, thinking that in life, to be on the 'safe side', it pays to be sitting on the fence, be on the middle ground since on that note, you will not end up being flagged down as being on the wrong side of things.  Pardon my words but taking that stance reaffirms that that person has 'no balls' because in real life, it's either the right one or the wrong one.  There is NO 'Middle Ground' in Life, in fact.

By definition, what is the 'MIDDLE GROUND' anyway?  With apologies, it has NO definition simply because it is NEITHER HERE nor THERE.  But for sensible discussions, everything boils down to FACTS no less.  Talk about vision and even policies for our communities.  Many decades ago, for Americans, the Vietnam War was a very polarizing issue.  While many were against for America to send its troops to the Vietnam War, once the U.S. government lowered down the boom, everyone had to toe the line.  Of course, history tells us that the U.S. lost in the Vietnam War but it is what it is.   There is just NO 'Middle Ground' in Life.
Let's look back at America's last presidential elections. Former President Trump was badly hit by both centrists and even leftists.  Why?  Because to him, there is just NO 'Middle Ground' in Life.  For every single issue, he took a stand and never waivered from every stand he took.  Some of his political whips at the Capitol lobbied for him to take a middle ground but he stood pat and just won't budge for every single issue he stood for.
In life, it just makes sense that we need to include in our mantra that indeed there is just NO 'Middle Ground'.  Between two people, be it a teacher and student, a boss and his subordinate, the hubby and the wifey or even between two bff's, many will argue that we can end up in a compromise.  But where does that lead the protagonists?
Oh yes, a compromise is just so tempting especially if it is between couples, between bff's but what ground do all parties gain by striking such compromise.  If two parties were acrimoniously arguing for either a Plan A or Plan B, a typical middle ground so that the friction will not worsen into a real life, that may mean that both parties have forged on a modus vivendi, a 'truce' so to speak but can we guess what's the consequence of that compromise.  Likely, it would mean both parties will NOT pursue either Plan A or Plan B.  Does that really make sense?  Think about it.  There is just NO 'Middle Ground' in Life✅✅✅

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