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Friday, May 20, 2022

When The Rabbit Hole Gets Deeper

When The Rabbit Hole Gets Deeper

Rabbit Holes anyone?  Who cares anyway, right?  But if those rabbit holes are akin to the challenges in our life, surely you would agree we have tons and tons of it, littered all around our lives.  Question is, how did we handle things When The Rabbit Hole Gets Deeper [in our life]?  For the moot and academic cases, they simply threw in the towel and gave up.  Others are so resigned in their life such that it does NOT matter anymore to them anymore.  It's like their life is still under a 'general anesthesia' and do what you want in his life's travails, it has no bearing anymore to someone helpless and likely hapless.

But hey, this is no casual mundane challenge in life which you can simply shrug off. Truth is, When The Rabbit Hole Gets Deeper, we got to do something about it else things will simply spiral downwards till you're in a FREE FALL.

Free fall, anyone?  That's the scariest though because once you're in a 'free fall', you leave everything to whatever is in store in your fate.  But could that 'free fall' be still averted?  Absolutely BUT here's the BUTDON'T wait for the rabbit hole to get deeper.  You can only buy and bide your time so much because by then, you DON'T have much wiggle room.

Oh yes, once you're down that rabbit hole, never get comfortable because it means things have tilted against your favor.  Akin to being in a small boat when water starts to sip in and while you can do some quick fix to plug that hole, that 'fix it' thing can only be good enough in a short turnaround.  No long hauls for those 'quick fixes' at all.

Surprised as to why even rabbits would rather be OUT of that rabbit hole?  Ironically, they claim that FEAR IS THERE TO KEEP US SAFE because you gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look FEAR IN THE FACE.  But if you got to do something, do it NOT BECAUSE it is easy but do it because it scares you.  Just DON'T STAY WAY TOO LONG in that rabbit hole✅✅✅

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