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Monday, May 23, 2022

Who's on a 'FREE FALL' ?

Who's on a 'FREE FALL' ?

True, no one wants to be on a 'FREE FALL' but it's really NOT our choice but instead, it is what it is.  The fact that needs to be amplfied and magnified is that when you're on a 'FREE FALL', the trajectory is always on a downward direction.  The $64 question is how do we handle things when life is going down on a spiral because if you left things as it is, your guess is as good as mine.  Eventually you will reach your end and that end will be damn 

Eventually you will reach your end and that end will be damn fatal.  We'll not even spend time discussing 'FREEFALL' from a gravity standpoint.  But if there is any parallelism between physics and real life, it is a known FACT that once you are on a 'FREEFALL', even if you start with a zero speed, it will accelerate all because of gravity.
Point is, no one else can run counter to the force og gravity.  And if you are in a 'FREEFALL' in your life, guess where and how will you end up unless you take the most drastic step to arrest its course  and reverse its direction.  BTW, even when you are able to reverse its direction, you can only buy so much time and within that new LEASE of LIFE, you got to do what it takes to get back on course, on track and preferably NOT against gravity because in life, going against gravity is akin to going against the norm or against logic.  If your relationship did hit a rough patch and efforts to save it only turned things from bad to worse, looks like you're in for a 'FREEFALL' and you're only way out is to go against its direction head-on no less.

One of the recurring 'FREEFALLs' in life is DEPRESSION.  The World Health Organization states that DEPRESSION by itself already afflicts 280 million people [ key facts published on 09.13.2021 @https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression.  Fix for this?  Take a dead-serious and no nonsense treatment no less.  
If there is a single antidoe to 'FREEFALL', it is to avoid a 'confluence of events' that will lead you to 'FREEFALL'.  Combine multiple problems encompassing financial + health + relationships, you have a recipe for 'FREEFALL' at hand. Sage advice?  Drill, dice and breakoff major problems separately.  Compartmentalize a complex issue, you got one foot out of the foxhole❗❗❗

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