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Saturday, May 28, 2022



BETTER Than BEST?  Oh, am I opening Pandora's Box?  Probably because this could lead us to a loud [and maybe] a rowdy debate because surely this is very much debatable but certainly worth our time and worth a page for our blog today.  First off.  Who totally defers from the statement that indeed to be better is much BETTER Than BEST?  Now, let's put things in perspective.  The fastest runners run between 12-14 mph [19-23 kph] while the average bear runs between 30-40 mph [48-64 kph].  That means if a bear decides to give chase, even USAIN BOLT, the world record sprinter, could NOT outrun it.

Where does this contention lead us to?  Well, let's go back to that adage which this poster says that TO GET AWAY FROM A BEAR, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE THE FASTEST RUNNER IN THE WORLD.  YOU JUST NEED TO BE FASTER THAN THE GUY BEHIND YOU.  Simply put, this reinforces our affirmation and assertion that indeed BETTER Than BEST really holds water.  So what's the GOOD NEWS for us all?  We DON'T need to be the best.  We just need to be better.  Moreover, to state 'BEST' is very relative.  In fact and in truth, it is an IMPOSSIBLE STANDARD that simply lacks credibility.  But instead, 'BETTER' is a realistic claim and a much easier comparison to make.  As simple as that.

Last month, I visited my optometrist whose clinic was the very first one I patronized many years back.  Despite that, she uttered that she was driven to offer better service than any of the competition and she wanted to 'OUTDO' her very own great service a year ago.  To her, this seemingly lower claim is actually much more realistic, much more believable and simply much more appealing to me as a customer.  The standard of 'BETTER' also keeps you on your toes.  Like being chased by a bear, you always have to be one step ahead NOT to get eaten.  Thinking you're better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is always room for improvement .  BTW, being the best offers only a SHORT-TERM advantage.

Listen, dude.  Once you are the BEST, there is no incentive to push you any harder and laziness or hubris start to set in.  And for all those BESTS out there who believe their incentive is to stay the BEST, they are fooling themselves.  WHY?  Just as there is much more of an incentive to lose few pounds than to stay the same weight, just as there is much more of an incentive to run your next race faster than to run it at the same pace, the INCENTIVE TO IMPROVE IS ALWAYS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE FALSE INCENTIVE TO STAY IN ONE PLACE, even if it's the best.

In the past, being GOOD was GOOD ENOUGH !@#$%?  Good grief.  That should be donkey years back.  As society evolved, being GOOD was not even GOOD ENOUGH.  So that's when the rowdy debate being BETTER and being BEST all started.  Having said a mouthful, this piece should put to rest the argument that being BETTER is much better than being BEST✅✅✅

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