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Monday, May 16, 2022

Being 'HARD NOSED' is Putting Your Nose Out There & Leaving It Out There

Being 'HARD NOSED' is Putting Your Nose Out There & Leaving It Out There

Please DON'T get us wrong.  There is nothing wrong to be 'HARD NOSED'.  Being 'HARD NOSED' is Putting Your Nose Out There & Leaving It Out There.  In the tough NBA world, the games are extremely competitive.  And after they wrap-up the regular season, your fingers won't be enough to count the number of injuries being endured by each of the teams.  By the time it reaches the playoff stage, your guess is as good as mine.
That acrimonious and bitter Best of Seven Series between Boston Celtics and the Milwaukee Bucks was a classic one as finally, the defending NBA champions, the Bucks, took their unceremonious exit from the NBA when the Boston Celtics dealt them the most serious blow ever they can get hit.  And obviously, even NBA star players do have their off nights.  But off night or otherwise, it all boils down to being Being 'HARD NOSED' is Out There & Leaving It Out There.
BTW, to be 'HARD NOSED' is NOT confined to competitive sports.  It so happens that sportsmen exemplify the best traits of being 'HARD NOSED'.  And how do they live and breath the ethics of being 'HARD NOSED'?  They give it all NOT when the game starts.  They pour it all NOT in the midst of the competition.  Not known by anyone else except themselves and their trainer, they train with their 'butts out' as early as 3am.
In life, you need not be 'HARD NOSED' but where does that bring you to?  Likely you will end up in life somewhere within the median, one of those with average performances, average successes.  The laidback and passive souls will, IN FACT celebrate if they end up as part of the majority.  And they're willing to settle for any result less than being stellar.
But why settle for less when you can achieve more?  Are you settling for a life with MORE LIMITATIONS?  And ARE YOU GIVING UP on your dreams and goals?'  And settling for less means you're settling for LESS THAN THE BEST?  And settling for less means like TRYING TO MAKE DO WITH SOMETHING MEDIOCRE instead of going after the best.  Can you be HARD NOSED in life❓❓❓

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