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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Pick Up From WHERE We Left Off

Pick Up From WHERE We Left Off

Oooops, we shouldn't even be talking about this, right?  This is just another no-brainer.  Picking Up From WHERE We Left Off.  Problem is, many of us don't even realize this very basic ground rule.  As many things in life CAN'T just be all done in one go, it pays to get embedded with this discipline of Picking Up From WHERE We Left Off.  And what are the consequences if we are even aware of this ground rule?  A lot of consequences.

How do we convince you to embed this discipline of  Picking Up From WHERE We Left Off?  Simple.  Use any of the technologies and tools we have everyday.  Go back to MS Office or O365.  If you are in the midst of inputting or updating any MS Office Word or Excel file and suddenly, your laptop battery conks out, what happens next?  When you relaunch MS Office, it will prompt you if you want to Pick Up From WHERE We Left Off.  So, there's the buy-in even from technology.

Let's go back to our school days when we were so immersed with our book lessons. If yesterday you were so sleepy reading your lessons and you ended up somewhere Chapter 5 of your textbook, you WON'T start all over again from Chapter 1, right?  In a relationship, in case you and your partner/spouse are in a 'process' of rebuilding/repairing things, you Pick Up From WHERE you Left Off
Even Corona, the Windows Tool is scripted to be Picking Up From WHERE you Left Off.  At work, if during your stint with your company, you hit some rough patches and you're in a 'process' to bring you back to the mainstream, you CAN'T always start from Square One all over again because you got to figure it out where you ended before you took a break from the process.

Similarly, when you bump across a long-lost friend, you start Picking Up From WHERE you Left Off.  If you're an entrepreneur and you suffered serious setbacks in your previous business initiatives.  When you restart your commercial attempts, you must have learned your lessons enough such that you DON'T go back to Square 1.  Doing so would mean you will repeat and RE-DO the things and steps you have earlier completed.  Picking Up From WHERE you Left Off may seem like a no-brainer but it's NOT because many of us tend to ignore its weight in life✅✅✅

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