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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

When DOUBTS Worsen To Become DUBIOUS

When DOUBTS Worsen To Become DUBIOUS

Life is never without doubts.  DOUBTS can emanate from ourselves or it can be those DOUBTS others will heap on us.  And there is no way to avoid it as it is all part and parcel of life.  Where's our common slip-up?  It is when we give DOUBTS a pass by simply looking the other way around and/or shutting off our eyes.  And when we do, that's When DOUBTS Worsen To Become DUBIOUS.

When doubt creeps into our life, it's like the most harmless aerial virus that will lead us to catch colds.  Colds?  Yesssirs it could be as petty as catching colds.  So where's the beef?  It is when after catching colds, things will go down south, when things spiral from BAD to WORSE.  But could that have been averted?  Absolutely.  But here's the catch.  We got to lift our finger to turn things around.
Shielding ourselves from these hazards of life is NOT even an option.  Instead, we need to accept and admit that once you are in dire straits, there is no other way to go but pull the bull by its horns before you end up locking horns with it.  If it pertains to relationships, be it in the workplace or even with your partner/spouse, it means 'nipping things in the bud' no less.
Sometimes, a full-blown conflict starts off with just a minor friction, those instances when two people's moods are on opposite ends and expectedly about to collide.  Not an excuse but let's understand a woman's monthly struggles with her emotions when their monthly cycle kicks in.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed but I had a taste of it, so it helps to be cautious.
At the end of the day, we just wanna enjoy life, right?  And enjoying the best moments of life is what we all clamor for because that is what life is all about.  So, why don't we set our sights for those blissful phases of our life when and where you need not needlessly spend your emotions and efforts fighting things out when all you deserve is to be HAPPY and ENJOY LIFE to the hilt❗❗❗


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