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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Numbers Without Context Are MEANINGLESS

Numbers Without Context Are MEANINGLESS

Sometimes [and probably often times], we are so number-centric such that what seems to matter is the face value of the number itself.  But hey, numbers without context are MEANINGLESS.  Yet, many of us are so wrongly obsessed with the face value of the numbers at hand.  Is it because that's how low one's level is?  Or is it because they are simply stooping that low?  Either way, they're OFF-TRACK.
Without context, WHAT DOES DATA offer?  Very frankly, unless we appreciate the context, that becomes hollowed data no less.  And this analogy is worth tagging to our relationships.  Be it our work relationship at our workplace or our personal relationships with our partner/spouse and immediate family.  If all we offer in those relationships is a lip service, what you have at hand is a charade no less.
Thing is, we got to CONNECT THE DOTS.  We need to establish the co-relationships across the numbers at hand. If we tie this up with our relationships both with our bosses and peers at the workplace or even at home with our partner/spouse, at the very core of such relationships, it must be firmly founded on solid and honest-to-goodness good faith and goodwill at the very least.  Any slightest intent of deception and deceit will throw away the validity and legitimacy of such relationships.   Without the context at its core, there's NO WAY to connect the dots.
Corollary to all these, it all boils down to leading a PURPOSEFUL LIFE no less.  Not just any kind of life BTW.  We can forever do all the number crunching and process all the mountains of information that tends to overwhelm us more.  But unless and until we inject context into our lives, YOU [or me myself] will likely end up on the losing end because the charade, deceit and deception that envelopes one's life will never really bring us forward in life.  In truth, our life will likely retrogress but where does that bring us?  So, let's put context into the numbers before life turns from BAD to WORSE❗❗❗ 

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